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Media Colonization

(mēdēə kä-lə-nə-ˈzā-shən)
1. The act of a new group of individuals entering

a media space, fanbase or IP and demanding

the space be altered to accommodate their

ideas, values and/or worldviews.

2. The act of excluding and/or removing a group

of media enthusiasts or fans from a space or

fanbase through ostracization, intimidation

and/or bullying.

3. The complete alteration of a media space,

fanbase and/or IP, for the sole purpose of

catering to new fans and/or enthusiasts.

The media colonization of Disney, seems to have had a dire impact on the current state of the franchise.

by Muttemor August 23, 2022

media challenged

a person who has little to no exposure to television, movies, and doesn't keep up with the Hollywood buzz. Also, no exposure to magazines. gossip rags, such as: People, Us, or Glamour, including newspapers such as The Enquirer. This makes the person totally uninformed as to what is taking place amongst the Hollywood scene members. This person would be very unable to name a single program on television or even any movie premiering at the theatres. This person would also be unaware of what fame is like or life for a person who is considered to be a famous celebrity, such as Johnny Depp.

i can't tell you who is in that movie because I never watch movies , as I am media challenged.
Because I don't watch movies, I am media challenged, and therefore, I had no idea who Johnny Depp was.

by Karen Lynn66 June 4, 2017

The Public Media

A governing body that informs you of fear, (Ex: Dying Birds).

Person 1 "Hey my bird died."
Person 2 "I'm sorry for your loss."
Person 1 "LOL, bro. I thought you think it was a joke... you know with the public media these days."

by Steve Buscemi Fan February 26, 2011

media event

An event arranged purely for the publicity or entertainment value it generates.

"Hey, did you watch the X factor final last night?"

"Yes, it was such a big Media event!"

by GRT20 December 16, 2013

legacy media

n. Primarily mature newspaper and television news outlets that believe they are the final word on any topic. These news organizations fail to acknowledge newly formed news sources and don't seem to understand that when they leave out information or emphasize the aspects of a story that aren't really helpful or pertinent, that they will be found out by those who understand the situation and have access to multiple news sources.

Typically these legacy news sources can identified as the major broadcast television networks and major national newspapers that have been in existence long before there was cable television.

The legacy media outlets were all abuzz as they reported six original documents critical of President Bush's national guard service and continued to report the documents as authentic even as they were proved to be fakes.

by imotore October 22, 2008

204👍 120👎

white media

Mainstream media that does not inherently focus on PoC, Feminist, LGBT inclusive issues. See: Fox, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS.

CNN will vehemently ignore issues affecting non-white communities here in the US. As a matter of fact, most media does this, making these media outlets known as the white media.

by dark_antithesis December 23, 2016

6👍 1👎

Liberal Media

Media sources that rely on confirmed facts and clearly differentiate between journalism and editorial.

"That liberal media keeps tryin' to say Obama was born in America even though I know he was born in Kenya!"

by F. O'Bannion September 10, 2011

584👍 18826👎