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seismic nightmare

The occurrence of a nightmare in such epic proportions that the victim felt as if the dream was terrifyingly real, and even after waking up, is still powerfully mentally shaken (hence the term "seismic") for the remainder of the day, unsure of the difference between reality and illusion.

That seismic nightmare about his family's death has really ruined his attitude.

by Ramasm August 23, 2017

Endless Nightmare

When your mental health is affected.
When you feel like you can’t sleep or think straight.
And when you want the racing thoughts to but they keep coming back.

A boy is having trouble dealing with everyday life because he his so anxious and so frustrated, beyond to point of no return, he feels that he believes that life like an Endless Nightmare.

by Drago Nino January 23, 2023

Nightmare Trail

A nightmare trail is a mass of usually thick, dark, and over-exposed hair on a person's lower back which leads down their butt crack. A nightmare trail is similar to a happy trail except that it is not happy.

Did you see Shanon's nightmare trail at the beach last weekend?

by Lord Galloway June 12, 2011

Day Nightmaring

Similar to daydreaming, but instead of thinking about warm happy things you’re probably imagining a dark torture room filled with Eastern European guys named Surgei, or that one date you went on where the guy flossed in the movie theater.

Snap out of it!”

“Sorry, I watched Saw 3 this weekend and keep Day Nightmaring.”

by itspoeticjustice March 20, 2016

Awkward Nightmare

A dream that does not illicit fear but an extremely uncomfortable feeling. Similar to that feeling of being in a crowded room of loud boisterous foreigners asking for directions and not knowing the language or able to find the exit.

(From my husband whom is not a pilot woke up and said...)
"I don't want to fly planes anymore, I've been flying them all day this is such an awkward nightmare" (...before falling back to sleep)

by Baldwinning September 28, 2012

festering nightmare

The disapointment felt when woken up by a blowjob only to look down and realize it is being administered by your uncle.

I was having a great dream about the milf next dore only to realize it was a festering nightmare.

by Micro67 May 7, 2010

Blueberry Nightmare

Unexpected dissapointment. When an expected positive outcome turns out to be exceptionally negative. Refers to an awful sour tasting beer much like salad dressing, disguised as something delicious. It costs $36 a bottle, and tastes like $2 vinegar.

Last night was a real Blueberry Nightmare ....

When I finally got her pants off it was a real blueberry nightmare down there...

by ianelectro March 17, 2013