The iconic Shiba Inu and face behind Dogecoin. Doge, aka Kabosu, became a meme in 2013 when her first "iconic" picture was taken. Her owner Atsuko Sato said that Kabosu was adopted in 2008, five years after she was born. Doge was frequently memed besides another Shiba Inu called Balltze, aka Cheems. She lived a full eighteen years (126 Doge Years) before passing away on May 24th, 2024. After both of them passed away, the internet will never be the same again.
Guy 1: Did you hear that doge passed away?
Guy 2: Yeah, it's really unfortunate. The internet won't be the same without her.
THE BEST YELLOW DOG EVER! She's originally named as Kabosu, and she already died in 2017. Yesterday's her 14th birthday.
P1: Who helped you in your worst times?
P2: Just a funny yellow dog named Doge.
A type of dog (adjective, noun) mostly used to describe Corgi like dogs. Some cases it is demented or mental.
The o'l man let me pet his doge :)
A legendary bounty hunter, looking across the galaxy to find beings that are horny and send them to horny jail with one swing of his horny bat!
Doge is looking for horny people again to send to Horny Jail!
Who needs the Horny Polices
me: that's cheems you dumbass
my friend: Oh *stares into the abyss and questions life*