This tiktok sucks. My name is four letters and if i remove the first and last, it becomes just oo. OO isn’t on the urban dictionary bc that’s stupid.
Oh guys look i made a tiktok and took the first and last letters off my name and now it’s oo look how stupid i am.
meaning like.. Oh shitt or Ohhh or oO or Oo lol.
Girl damn you fine.. oO?
Me I'm fine?
You: oO
Ancient satanic witch prayer used by Spanish terrorists to pray to Jesus Christ before assaulting all Americans. Trust me I KNOW.
Oo lala Maria
Goodbye Señorita
Jesus I hope this isn't real
Oh just take the wheel.
Someone did something slick, wild or janky. Someone got over on you. Someone did something tricky to you.
Person 1: Yo why aren’t you and whats his name cool anymore?
Person 2: He tried to hit me wit da oo-wap.
Person 1: Oh wow that’s corny.
The two words a person speaks in a random order when a beat with no lyrics comes on. Always ends in Ooshy woo
(Random funky beats)
Me "Oochie oo, oo oo chie oochie oochie oo oochie oochie oo! OOSHY WOO"