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Option B

It's short for secure additional funding. Option B is to secure additional funding.

I need my car fixed but I really don't have the money for it rn. Welp, time for option b.

by I do carloans August 4, 2019


sick of making choices. very similar to the laziness of senioritis.

I can't decide, man, my optionitis is flaring.

by walkwithme April 15, 2016

Good-option dilemma

The good-option dilemma is that typical scenario where—for example—some evil authority figure holding you hostage gives you two options: one where you suffer the most and the other where you don't suffer as long as you give them what they want. Obviously you pick the second option out of desperation, but the dilemma here is that no matter what option you choose, in the end the evil figure will still make you suffer (typically by being killed or watching your loved ones die).

I had a good-option dilemma today where my computer's SSD got corrupted and I either had two options: wipe everything and do a clean reinstall of Windows, or pay a few hundred bucks to have some specialist recover the contents. So I paid for the recovery but the people shipped back the wrong drive with somebody else's files! So in the end, I had to wipe my drive no matter which option I went for. This is the good-option dilemma in a nutshell.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian December 26, 2022

nose optional

The state of wearing one's mask improperly, so that the nose remains exposed.

Dude I swear every time I see K-money in the hallway, he's going nose optional. Does he even know how to wear his mask?

by John Juices February 13, 2022

McDonald's Option

A technique for getting decisions and perhaps even consensus from a group. This is most useful for groups who are stalled on making a decision, be it big or small.

The name comes from a common problem when a group is trying to decide where to go for lunch. Often everyone will say "I don't care, where do you want to go?" and it is not until someone makes an unpopular suggestion that their true opinion is voiced. The catalyst of saying "McDonald's!" as a proxy for the bad choice will push the group members into offering alternatives. Quickly a decision that is not McDonald's is selected.

Jennifer sketched a new website homepage design with a purposeful emphasis with the wrong call to action. This McDonald's option allowed the stakeholders to describe what corrections were needed to get to the right design.

by Woody4life August 22, 2013


Used to describe a single piece of meat or chicken, cooked to different temperatures.

Man this steak is well-done on one side and medium on the other. I got screwed.

Nah fam, you got options

by Tomtomtom76 June 5, 2022


Miya and Hannah

Miya and Hannah are just Khaleds options

by imnotmiya February 19, 2022