A wet willy except instead of in the ear you put your saliva soaked finger in between someone's toes.
Aka- Soggy Piglet
I gave him a soggy piggy while he was sleeping.
That soggy piglet felt nasty!
The name of a retarded indian child with anger issues. Be careful while u sleep because he might be under ur bed.
Be careful shiggy piggy may be watching
Penny Piggy is Like Peppa Pig, Penny Is uninfected in Distorted Memory In George Piggy's nightmare in Mall, Is Face Like Piggy
Penny Piggy, Distorted Memory, Peppa Pig, George Piggy, uninfected, Mall, Piggy
man piggy a short pigtail on top of a mans head in which he’s intending to grow into man bun.
Check out that dude with his cute man piggy
Really thin though consumes much more. Eats like a pig, non stop.
Large person in weight that has belly with a twisted squirrelly like a duck and pig penis.
Piggy bank that's Emty
My piggy bank is piggy small.
I slept with a piggy small
Damn that girl eats like a piggy small
Piggie Smalls was Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson's pig through out their monarch mind controlled relationship.
"Pete, have you seen Piggie Smalls anywhere?"
"No, I didn't fry any bacon today."