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what rhino?

something you just randomly say and every one laughs and somebody is left extremely confused

person: and i was just like what rhino??
(group laughs)
left out guy: uhhh... WTF??

by pandamanda September 14, 2007

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rhino horn

When your doing a girl doggie style and you jam your thumb in her ass like a rhino attacking.

I was all sweaty banging your mom like a pig and she grunted when I gave her the rhino horn.

by Scottie Vaughan June 8, 2006

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Rhino Fuck

when you take a strap-on and strap it to your forehead and fuck a chick with it. (usually a stripper)

"Dude we got the $80 so that Andy can Rhino Fuck that stripper!"

by BeeWee October 5, 2009

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Rhino Pussy

a pussy with a over sized clit acting like a rhino's horn. Sed horn may poke u during sex.

YO that bitch had a rhino pussy, and i got my eye poked out when i was eatin her.

by E masta K December 11, 2008

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Rhino Baby

Derogatory slang for an excessively obese woman.

Dude, check out that rhino baby.

by Zap Rowsdower September 13, 2007

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Rhino Hunting

While going out in the search for women someone plans on pursuing the fatties wherever they go. Most Rhino Hunts are started by the mass consumption of alcohol.

guy1: Did you see cameron last night?

guy2: Haha ya he was all over that wildebeast

guy1: Everytime he drinks he ends up Rhino Hunting, good for him

by AJmin January 25, 2011

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boss rhino

bitchin, awesome, totally fantastic in each and every way possible

1. On a scale of 1 to boss rhino how cool is this band???

2. That is boss rhino!!!!!

by e&c schweezy March 23, 2011

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