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A smart and intelligent girl. She is extremely beautiful and kind. She loves to spend time with her friends. If she is your girl friend, never let her go. You are lucky to have her. And never let another man take her. Like I did. And I am sad every day.

Student 1: oh sup Chrissy my man what you doing?

Student 2: yeah he’s not listening to you. He’s looking at Samantha.

Student 3: Boobs...

Student 1: yo that’s my girlfriend dawg.

Student 3: Juice doubles...

Student 1: ima fucking beat your ass you mother fucking peace of shit.

Student 3: Boobs...

by Dicktionary138726 April 15, 2021

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She is a lovely girl with red hair.She is pervert and she loves pizza. She will take you with her into the darkside if she falls for you.

Personal Sentence From experience.
Me:Samantha is crazy... a good kind of crazy.

by Fice123 June 7, 2019

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Samantha is a girl who is very funny and trustworthy. She's always laughing and playing jokes on her friends. Samantha's is very beautiful, but she will say she is ugly, which is not true. Samantha's have a great personality. Sometimes they do tend to get a little annoying. Samantha's can be very quiet and shy, but once you get to know them, their a great, silly, trusting friend. Samantha's always wants to watch the drama, but doesn't want to be a part of it. Samantha's doubt their selves a lot. They always say someone is better then them. But in reality Samantha doesn't see what a wonderful, beautiful, smart, creative person they are.

"Samantha is such a good friend! She is always by my side."
"I know she is so joyful and awesome."

by KoolaideGirl1 November 28, 2018

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Samantha is honestly the nicest, most beautiful, caring person you'll ever meet. there is not enough words to describe how sweet Samantha is, I'm the luckiest person in the world to be allowed to date her. Samantha you are the best, I love you

b: hey Samantha i love you

s: thanks, I love you too

by samanthasboyfriend December 7, 2019

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Samantha is the most beautiful girl in the world and she is irreplaceable if you have a Samantha in your life you don’t ever want to lose her every guy wants to date her and she is truly something special she is more than just a friend. Samantha is so popular and has so many friends she is important and helps people through a lot when they need her. Samantha is very supportive and she will always be there for you. She is over protective of her friends and family and loves people for who they are. Samantha is the prettiest person in the universe and her ocean blue eyes shine brighter than anything. Samantha is the best girlfriend anyone could ever ask for once you have got her don’t lose her to another guy keep her close. Samantha needs to be told that she is loved everyday. Samantha has been through a lot in her life and needs support from her friends family and boyfriend she has very low self esteem. She doesn’t realise how much she means to people and she doesn’t think much of herself although she should. If you are Samantha’s friend or even boyfriend then tell her you love her otherwise she will leave you. If you know a Samantha you are a very lucky person to have her in your life and NEVER lose her or she will be gone forever!

That Samantha girl is cute
I know every guy wants to be with her

by Shadow_shadow July 11, 2019

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Samantha is a blonde with blue eyes and is usually a really smart person ,but occasionally she has her blonde moments.Sam and is a girl who will always give the right advice and she will stop you from doing the wrong things all the time.If you’re upset Samantha will somehow know even when you try to hide it and she will try her hardest to help you.Samantha will know things about you that maybe you yourself didn’t know.Sam will see through your disguises and she will see the true you and that’s what makes her so great.She will know what she wants and will do what she has to in order to accomplish her dreams.Sam tries her hardest and puts 100% effort into everything she does.Samantha will talk to everyone and is in no way shy.When I met a Samantha I thought “we will never be friend we are way too different”but guess what I was wrong and I’m glad I was.

Boy:Samantha is so smart and hardworking
Girl:I know right we should copy her answers in every test and then we will be getting all the A’s like her

by Spazzykiddo January 24, 2018

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Samantha is book-smart, cares for everyone, and says what's on her mind, in the politest way possible. She is always there for everyone. Samantha may not be your best friend, but she cares and is always there for you.

“hi Samantha, can you help me with page 3 in history"

by Ya little chib August 23, 2017

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