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Sami Zn

Samantha is a girl that makes you feel like no other. NO matter how hard you try to get at her it's impossible. Her fun and joyous personality makes anyone's day. She can be goody from time to time which makes her a person to want to be with. She's lovable beautiful, kind, caring, and breathtaking one in a life time chance girl. She leaves you speechless just by looking at her, butterflies to your stomach. Those eyes, gorgeous smile that brightens your day. You'll do anything just to see it happen. A literal dream girl who swipes you off your feet. She is the reason you get up and tackle the day. Her happiness is the reason you're happy. It's her, it's always been her, it will always be her.

Sami Zn is a celebrity amongst other girls. There will never be another like her. I hope one day she sees this again.

by PlutoXII November 21, 2024

Bad sami

Sami, Sami is an annoying kid who doesn’t shut up! He loves talking and making things worse by opening his mouth. He thinks he’s the best in the world but really isn’t. He also thinks calling people short will make his d!ck any longer, sorry Sami but it’s the opposite <3 All hail on hating sami!

We hate bad sami!!

by brunetteluver January 21, 2022


Another term for Aspergers

She's got the Butt-Samies!

by KaelDarkwind April 8, 2024

Lorenzo, Arjun, Sami, Gustavo

These guys are the biggest stoners on planet earth and they PULL! (besides gustavo)
Gustavo has only pulled one bitch who is one of his colleagues which is almost 20 years old ( 4 years older) and he hit
Sami is on a 0-10 streak with women and his struggle is noted
Arjun is 0-0 argueably the best streak out of the 4
Lorenzo is hitting on the regular but the situation is difficult

Woman 1: Who are those 4?
Woman 2: Thats Lorenzo, Arjun, Sami, Gustavo
Woman 3: (Drops pants)

by Lo,Gu,Ar,Sa April 30, 2024


A bitch who will backstab u no matter what typically quite short bad teeth and rude she’ll act one way infront of u then then talk shit behind ur back

Sami: hey, omg ur so pretty
Girl 1: ngaw thank you
*girl 1 leaves*
Sami to girl 2: omg she actually hideous 🤮
Girl 2: oh ok

by Lily heartwell December 11, 2019


honestly the worst guy to date, he'll leave u for ur friends or sm shit dude. he's so self absorbed and will leave u on delivered for weeks, mf is so annoying and cringey.

sami is an asshole

by .cute September 13, 2021


Sami is the nicest, hottest, funniest person you'll ever meet. he treats women like real women and hes all about equality when it comes to race, ethnicity, etc..
Sami loves chicken sm
hes the smart and sexy guy any girl would dream for. Sami can be a very kind person only if you treat him well.. do not mess with him though

"oh look! that guys so hot bro im drooling".. "yeah obviously hes hot, I mean what do you expect from someone named Sami?"

by bye.. November 23, 2021