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college sandwich

A sandwich consisting of two slices of bread, with a slice of bread in-between.

College sandwich. 100% bready goodness.

by ohokaylol November 9, 2007

133๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

leg sandwich

When facing your lover in bed, place on leg on top of another, another top of that, and the last on top of all three. The leg sandwich essentially allows for a more comfortable frontward-spooning and puts the aforementioned awkward appendages to better use.

If my husband and I don't leg sandwich while laying in bed, his fat belly gets so much in the way that I can't kiss him and I get spinal deformities when I have to arch my back so far up just to reach his face.

by Asshair Snarfler & PullDisFing May 21, 2008

312๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

struggle sandwich

A sandwich on a budget. Typically consisting of bread and condiments (ketchup & mustard) or bread and ice. Considered a last option meal during tough economic periods for people.

Man I'm dead broke and won't get paid for another two weeks. Guess it's a struggle sandwich for dinner.

by Basedgawd May 16, 2013

21๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beaver Sandwich

A sexual position for a threesome.
two girls start scissoring and a guy puts his penis in between their vaginas.

Me and a couple girls did the beaver sandwich last night... it was totally cool.

by Dr. Love McLovestein April 3, 2010

Desk Sandwich

A sandwich one hides in their desk at work to consume at any given time, usually eaten in secret when someone has much work to catch up on.

"Man, I had to work during lunch, good thing I had a Desk Sandwich otherwise I never would've made it."

by poizunman August 4, 2012

Sandwich Hands

The lingering scent of cheese and/or onion and/or bread and/or pickles and/or beef after consuming a sandwich and/or burger.

After eating a McMenamins bacon cheeseburger the scent of beef and cheese will linger on your finger tips for hours after digestion.

Ex. "I got a spicy Italian at Subway today and got the worst Sandwich Hands!"

by grayson_1895 January 19, 2013

safety sandwich

food eaten before going out drinking to ensure you don't get too hammered too fast.

1: Dude, be careful you're drinking pretty fast.
2: No worries I had a safety sandwich earlier.

by wwsdubs July 11, 2008