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scene kids

People that go see all the local bands play. Many of them are elitist fucks who need a swift kick in the ass.

Scene kids can polish my knob.

by Chipface April 10, 2005

90๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene Kid

Oh, Scene kids....What to do? what to do?
Well scene kids think themselves to be emo, post-hardcore, metalcore or Hardcore. They are often mean towards those less "scene" than themselves, strive to be the first within their friends to adopt a new trend. They have "emo bangs" Which are sideswept bangs. Many scene kids have guages and they think the bigger you get the more cool you are. They try to be everywhere that they know more scene kids, and other groups like the popular kids, or the punk kids will be, so they can stand around smoking cigarettes and trying to act cool. Lost of scene kids have piercings, and the most popular is the lip ring. Scene kids act lie their lives suck so they have to slit their wrists to let away the pain, even though most are pretty well off, with good family and a good amount of money. They try and act way more tough than they really are, always threatining to kick someones ass. they love dinosaurs, robots, polka-dots and little girl bows/clips and headbands and all the things that were cool when you were 5 years old.The boys wear girl pants and tight shirts, and same with the girls. A normal boy outfit consists of: Girl pants, crooked studded belt, tight band t-shirt, and a zip up band hoodie, sometimes black eyeliner, black or darkbrown hair with "emo bangs"flipped to the side, maybe a bandana. A Normal girl outfit consists of: Girlpants, Tight band shirts, and band zip up hoodies, polka-dot ribbons in their hair, dark eyeliner, big sunglasses that just sit on the top of their head, a bunch of bracelets, short or long choppy hair. They go to local shows, or big popular band's concerts. They say they love one type of music but reality they listen to it to fit into the scene. Bands like Norma Jean, Fall Out Boy, Atreyu, Reliant K and bands like them are what scene kids listen to.
Scene kids always have myspaces. They try and get as many friends as possible. They photosho their pictures to make them look as "rad" as they can. In their pictures they are usually looking away from the camera looking as pathetic as they can, or flashing gang symbols with bandanas in their hair or over their noses and lower face. Their blogs are always either talking about the great show they went to or how much life sucks, how much they hate thier parents, how wasted or stoned they were etc.

You think your so scene
with your atreyu shirt and jackie o. sunglasses
but ryan cabrerra isnt scene
and real scene kids are going to kick your ass
gimme those converse and matching girl jeans
death to all the posers of the hardcore scene
with your bangs flipped to the side
and big black hoodie written with the band name "Norma Jean"
Gimme that eyeliner and matching white belt
no one cares about your girlfriend
or how you felt when she dumed your ass
for that real scene guy
and he egged your car for calling her at midnight
the girlpants are so cliche 03'
its time for the bullshit to stop or we're gonna fight
death to all the posers of the hardcore scene
cuz real hardcore kids are 10845964 times more mean.......................... ....................................
.......................... ..................................... ......................
That pretty much explains it ................ ...................... .................
.................... ......................... .................... ..................
Here is what one might say

"omigosh I went to the Norma Jean and atreyu show. It was so rad. I mean didnt they look so hawt??? I went in the "pit" and I almost broke my arm, it was effing sa-weet!!!!! anywaysss I bought like 2 shirts and 3 hoodies. But Jenna was wearing one of the shirts I got today so I have to like cut it up and make it better than hers or I wont wear it. Oh I totally forgot to tell you, this whore stepped on my converse and like ripped a hole in it... I was Like 'HULLO dont you see me here bitch??' I shoulda kicked her ass, seriously like who does that?? But I have to go to class for once write me a note kay? Kay-thanks-bye"

by LyzzH. November 3, 2005

73๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kids

scene kids
"unfortunate, tortured youth," often complain about their teen angst with not much consideration for anyone with any real-world issues or other people in general. "Scene kid" often coincides with wearing obscure band t-shirts (even if they've never heard them), dying and cutting one's hair more than once ever 2 weeks or so, playing in some obscure band that usually sucks (with an extremely random name), and wearing "outlandish" clothing to get attention. Often threaten to do stupid things for small amounts of money but really have no balls at all and are all talk. Usually fortunate suburban kids who feel they have something to express by going to "shows" and jumping on each other and making people feel less scene than they (calling others, ironically enough,"poseurs"), scene kids tend to hang out at the mall (probably near but not too near a hot topic), they're the kids wearing the Taking Back Sunday t-shirt to the TBS show, and they most definitely claim to have heard them first and might even know them personally, because it matters oh so much (!?). most scene kids probably don't really know who they are because they've spent so much time following the crowd of myspace users and spend more time trying to figure out if Warped Tour is still cool and taking pictures of themselves from angles than they have on job applications or learning anything relevant to "real life."

you? maybe not. look around. black cut up gloves? hair in face? tons of eye liner and lip gloss (guy or girl). Yeah, that's a scene kid. Laughing at you? YES it probably is. "I'm seriously going to punch those scene kids in the face."

by cokeXzero December 7, 2005

44๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kids

Scene kids, like everyone else, follow trends.
Most of the stuff people say is true and most of the 'scene' kids admit they try to be scene.
They may go out and buy hundreds of dollars worth of clothes just to look scene.
Most scene kids shop at Hot Topic, Delia*s, and Journeys.
I see lots of scene kids every day, and this is usually what they have and how they look..

Scene girl must-haves:
-short,layered haircut
-extentions (in case a guy hates short hair)
-black and light blonde hair
-black chipped nail polish
-bright colored bows
-clothes with stars/hearts on them
-fur trimmed jacket
-tight,destroyed designer jeans
-other scene chick friends
-hot scene boyfriend
-skimmers AKA doll shoes
-white studded belt hanging off the hips
-monroe ring
-flashy earrings
-mispell their name on myspace. IE: Susie - Siouxsie

Scene boy must-haves:
-extremely choppy haircut
-black colored hair with blond or red
-tightly fitting shirts
-black or white studded belt
-tight jeans with boxers pulled up too high
-bandana in the back pocket
-lip ring/snake bites
-vans shoes

In addition, they all have to go to lots and lots of local shows and hang out in their little cliques when they go. Most of the guys hardcore dance, or atleast attempt and get made fun of. They also must have more than 1000 myspace friends to be considered 'cool.'

Siouxsie: Are you going to the show tonight, Timmeigh?
Timmy: Of course, all the scene kids will be there.

by aireannuh November 11, 2006

19๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kids

Kids who whore themselves on a daily basis on myspace.

They have no originality whatsoever.

They decorate their myspaces with pictures of diamonds, bats, gloomy bears, hello kitty, and other shit.

A lot of them are self-absorbed and are bitches, but no, not all of them are.

Some of them are actually nice.

Most of them claim to be -in love- with photography.

Most claim to be vegetarian/vegan.

Not to be racist, but the majority of them are white.

They call all their "scene friends" nigga, nigg, nigz, nigglet, or whatever. But they don't have the guts to say it in public towards blacks.

They have names like:
Jackie Chanel.
Tommy Terror.
Minnie Murder.
Lisa Hollywood.

A lot of the scene girls have raccoon stripes in their hair.

They wear tight pants, both girls and boys.

They claim to be anti-mainstream, even though the way they dress IS becoming mainstream.

A lot of them look up to Kiki Kannibal, Jeffree Star, Audrey Kitching, etc.

LexiiStarxx: zomg bby. me and you are ttly cute scene kids. fer sure! let's make babies. rawrrr.

by cylinder December 16, 2007

13๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kid


- Very long hair (extentions) or short hair. Always with bangs.
- Usually black, sometimes with blonde or caramel spots
- Goes to shows alot
- Likes unknown music and random techno music
- They like shirts with guns, stars or polka dot patterns
- Sexx bracelets, beads and headbands
- Knee High Socks
- Skirts with leggings


- Hair is emo-ish
- Black usually with blonde or neon colours
- Tight pants
- Usually in a band
- Wierd obsession with Power Rangers.
- Unknown music (hxc, screamo, ect.)
- Rainbow Suspenders (a new style here)
- Sometimes makes out with other boys to impress the girls.


- Hate poseurs and people who are new to the scene
- "&&" ";;" and constant chatspeak
- They will ignore you if you aren't the same as them
- Slip on Vans (checkered and hippos are big here)
- Bright mac make-up and lots of eyeliner
- Face Piercings
- Friendship bracelets
- Dora the Explorer, Barbie and Sponge Bob Backpacks
- Myspace with lots of scene friends
- They mostly all hate Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance
- They will try and earn scene points by doing things like walking instead of driving or being vegan.
- They usually have nicknames that only thier friends are allowed to use
- Hate being labeled emo and will beat you up if you call them emo
- Hardcore dances, or at least tries to
- Scenesters are hated by Goths and Preps
- They will say things are "The Sexx" ("Those shoes are the sexx!" or "She is totally the sexx!"P)
- Radd is used alot. They ocasionally will make up words with Radd in it (ex: Raddtastic)
- Radd is always spelled with two D's and Sexx is always spelled with two X's
- They like little kid books and they like to colour
- Some scensters are vegan and some are sXe (not all)
- They hate MTV (or in canada, much music)
- They like wierd animals such as Hippos, Elephants, Monkeys and Turtles
- Black Nailpolish
- They like Old School Nintendo
- They like "thug" or "ghetto" speak (Niggz, hommie, yo, ect.)
- Most of them think that they are orignal and you copied them
- They love hair straightners
- They love "things that go boom"
- They like to make animal noises, such as rawr, grr or meow
- Claim to be ugly, even though most aren't

scene kid conversation :

Scene Girl 1: Woah your hair is totally fab!
Scene Girl 2: Yeah your hair makes me excited in the pants area. It's the sexx.
Scene Boy 1: No its so fugly I hate it! Are ya peeps goin to the show tonight?
Scene Girl 1: Of course! Do you think im hella dumb?
Scene Girl 2: I'm going too! I got new vans I wanna show off. They are Raddtastic!
Scene Boy 1: Want me to walk with chya?
Scene Girl 1: I was gunna get a ride, but walking is more scene.
Scene Girl 2: Scene Points!
Scene Girl 1: Now I'm scener then that biatch Chels!
Scene Boy 1: No she got that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt, she is so much more scene then you!
Scene Girl 1: OMG I hate her!

by Bwuah December 16, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene Kid

Scene kids are kids that believe they are listening to music and creating a style that has never been done before.
Scene had another name 25 years ago. That name was called New Wave and it wasn't considered cool to be part of the scene, it was considered freakish.
This was at a time when wearing a label
that was unique at such a time, could be acceptable as an alternative to mainstream culture.
Scene is a confused genre, because the kids that mainly call themselves scene
change the rules for what scene is and isn't daily. This tells everyone else that scenesters are posers and they are not sure of what they are doing, along with giving no reference to the ungerground anti-fashions that originally gave their subconscience the idea that they stole.
The best way to be scene, is to NOT be scene! Stop coming up with boring labels to fit in or shock people.
It's 2008, and the glam meets drag look was original when David Bowie, Divine, Boy George, Pete Burns and Robert Smith had done it during a time when these types were just trying to create something new along with b eing themselves, thus it was not accepted so greatly until future times.
That was true scene!
If you must have a label, then you are insecure and if you aren't going to give old school new romantic, punk, and wavers
any credit for ripping off their look, then you must be banished into complete ignorant bliss.

Scene Kids

by megalomaniaeverywhere November 18, 2008

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