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Bod Scoping

The process of either males or females checking out their own sex within the locker room or changing room of a gym or fitness center.

Purpose: to check out other people's physical features, which makes oneself either feel better or worse about their own body.

I hate changing at the gym, I feel as though everyone is just bod scoping me up and down!

by Mr Natural May 16, 2007

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

360 no-scope


dood did u see that 1337 360 no-scope i did?

yeh m8 send it to FaZe ur mlg pro

by XxX_420Bl4Z317_XxX June 21, 2015

48๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

360 no-scope

When a little cunty noob on COD camps with a sniper and becomes the literal definition of a cuntbag by doing a shitty little spin and getting lucky with his shot

Jesus Christ I bet you 360 no-scope

by wearenumberone February 8, 2017

35๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

hard scope

also known as hardscope.
"This term is applied when playing first-person shooter video games, such as Halo, Call of Duty, or another top selling video game title, more specifically Call of Duty.

When someone is using a sniper rifle, and takes longer than approximately 1 second looking down the scope.

A more extreme example is when watching a kill-cam, the player is scoped in from beginning to end, or the player is looking through the scope for the majority or the kill cam.

Antonym: Quickscope"

i didnt make this, im just clearing this for those who typed it in wrong.(:

Player A: "Guys, check out this nice headshot i got for the game winning kill!"

Player B: "Wow that shot wasn't impressive at all, you hard scoped the shit out of that kid."

Player C: "Dude, you're such a noob."

by coooolkid.(; December 13, 2010

113๐Ÿ‘ 112๐Ÿ‘Ž

Falcon Scope

The action of simultaneously doing a 720, a dropshot, and qWiiiCk sCo0p3, so quickly that it all occurs within half a nanosecond and may very well end time, as prophesized by Ben Franklin.
This maneuver truly makes Captain Falcon proud!

sB Khalifa: "Yo kid! Why can't I get on Xbox Live and get slapped some more?!"

Scyther: "Well . . . I heard that there's this LuhGiiiT lVlLG Pr0, Swizzle Bros, and he falcon scoped some bk scrandie, utterly destroying Xbox Live all together."

Swizzle Bros: "U mad bro?"

by LuhGiiiT x Hitlol July 4, 2011

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360 No Scope

To spin in a 360 and cum on your partner in specific spot

Person 1: I 360 No Scoped my gf last night
Person 2: where did you hit her?
Person 1: right in her pussy

by encoding werdna October 27, 2014

157๐Ÿ‘ 177๐Ÿ‘Ž

fly scoping

Checking out/ perving on mens crutches refeering to them as flys as this is there place of origin.

FLY or zipper in the front section of jeans ect = inspection of bulge size/shape is fly scoping

by joannimal December 27, 2011

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