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Abbreviation of simple. Short and snappy.

Yeah i did the homework it was simps.

by BusinessManCam May 25, 2022


Someone who overvalues or over complements females

Stop being a simp she doesn’t like you she’s just being nice

by I go REEEEEEEEEE December 4, 2019


A SIMP is a person that worships the opposite gender, usualy being a guy worshipping a woman, to get their attention and love and calling them stuff like "queen" or "princess" etc. by doing almost anything, most of the time donating a large amount of money.
sidenote: a SIMP is not persone in a relationship, a guy having a girlfriend does not mean he is worshipping her which means he is not a simp.

friend1: hey wassup "friend2", sorry i couldnt call you yesterday i was watching this streamer and i donated her 500 dollars and SHE SAID MY NAME!!!!!!!
friend2: you are a SIMP

by The next Einstein June 20, 2020


84 is a Simp

84 you fu*kin simp

by iiberryyz March 12, 2020


a simp is someone who will do anything for a girlfriend


by Brixboy April 23, 2021


(s)uper (i)ntense (m)inecraft (p)layer

Friend 1: Dang bro, you killed the ender dragon in 5 minutes? You're a simp!
Friend 2: Thanks bro, it took a while to get this good.

by Daemon2266 July 13, 2021


Someone who puts the hoes before the bros, simps will do or say anything to please someone, particularly a girl, in the hopes that they will gain favor with that person.

Friend~bro stop simping over her
Me~hoes before bros ;)
(XxZoexX old acc)

by zoe ellys May 10, 2021