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A skank cute

That bitch is a skunt.

by Jennasty March 23, 2018


Referring to a female or a male as a skanky cunt.

That Skunt had sex with my best friend and his girlfriend.

by Dirty fireworks May 28, 2022


Referring to a female or a male as a skanky cunt. A person that does foul or obscene things that would make another person sick. Degrading yourself past your own shame.

That Skunt had sex with my best friend and his girlfriend.

by Dirty fireworks May 28, 2022


A cross between a cunt and a skank

"marissa amara catanese (#nellipot) of Canon city colorado is a complete skunt"

by PinkAmy1783 August 31, 2021


A Guyanese term used to either describe a person, can be used playfully between friends or as indecent language. there are many ways to express this word; disbelief, anger e.t.c

Disbelief: watskuntayyy!
Anger: kerr yuh muddah skunt or shut yuh muddah skunt
When you forget something: Oh skunt
Describing a person: uze a skunt (skunthole)

by RaleTingBudday_treysanchofan January 17, 2018



You is one skunt

by Hhhujbvjjbb March 14, 2017


A skanky cunt

That skunt is nasty as hell.

by AshKraft August 11, 2021