a character in harry potter who is the real villain and bullied children thought it was ok tho cos he didn’t get to sleep with our queen the perfect lily evans
someone: severus snape is my favorite character
me: ewwwwwww
Severus Snape is an amazing person. If you hate him, then you're weird, cus he awesome. If you hate him, then u disrespectful of him and me. He awesome. He amazing. If u hate him, u cray.
Dummy - Snape is terrible!
Person who Knows Logic - Haha, very funny idiot. Snape is amazing, and if u don't like him, then TOM EATS TOES.
Severus Snape - official definition - amazing person in Harry Pottah
the hottest fucking man in the entire series of harry potter
i’m such a simp for severus snape
To bully someone because you love his mother
Weit, are you snaping him?
A Greasy Git of a Potions Teacher from the Harry Potter series. Had a sick obsession with the title characters mother.
Suspected lover of Albus Dumbledore
"That Greasy git Snape"
"You mean Professor Snape"