The process of digging through the recesses of your refrigerator in an effort to find something (semi) edible. Usually part of or precursor to either refrigerator roulette or refrigerator triage. Results can be anything from mild to traumatizing.
I was refrigerator spelunking when I discovered a chicken I'd put in there two years ago.
A person or persons who enjoy exploring another persons anal cavity
Thomas and robert are experienced butt-spelunkers, every day they enthusiastically explore eachothers anal cavities with many tricks and techniques!
Guy 1: "hey man, I'm thinking about becoming a full-time spelunker."
Guy 2: "How the fuck did you get in my house?"
The term used for when you die, have a close call, or get hit multiple times in an outrageous and whimsically bombastic way in Spelunky Classic, Spelunky HD, or Spelunky 2.
"Ah, man. I just got Spelunked."