An out of date term used largely by the aging/baby-boomer gay community to indicate sexual arousal.
Every time they show those talking pictures with Burt Reynolds at the West Hollywood Senior Center, I spray wood, his mustache is the bee's knees.
Aussie slang for when your getting yelled at by some teacher or your footy coach
Guy 1: Look at John he's copping a spray from mr canetoad
Guy 2: I hope he brought his earplugs
Someone who is a big bitch, an asshole, or very annoying.
"You're a cocksmoke"
"Well you're and tit spray"
"You are ugly"
"Piss off tit spray"
Tit Spray
A term which is used to describe a person whose blazer is far too tight for their body, and thus, appears to be ‘sprayed’ on. Although the term had originated to describe tight blazers, the term may also be used for clothing in general. Typically, one who possess spray-on clothes are of heavier weight, i.e., are fat.
“Mate, that fat-arse has a spray-on blazer!”
Shit that comes out of your asshole with the same speed and consistency of any aerosol spray.
I've got some mean spray shits today.
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The over-use of fly spray in which the human is the one who ends up almost choking to death.
Alicia: Hey Dan, chuck us the Raid, there's an army of ants who've been nomming your rubbish and now they're heading for the bag of groceries.
Dan: *chucks Alicia the fly spray* "okay but take it easy, that stuff's toxic!"
Alicia sprays the ants...
Dan: *choking* Aaaargh! Dont spray it near me, fly spray's people spray! Fly spray's people spray!!! *cough cough*
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A spray designed and intended to make your “coochie” smell less offensive/fishy.
Most often used with “club entertainers” or with those whose “Gucci” has an offensive stench.
Man: “Here, I found this spray for you.”
Stripper: *reads out loud*
Stripper: “Cooter Spray? Thanks! So many guys have been complaining about the fish smell.”
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