Source Code


Stand there and grind

Boy says: “hey wanna stag momma?”

Girl says: “what is that poppa?”
Boy says: “standing here and grinding…. 1,2,3 GOOOOOOOO!”

KACHOW *proceeds to stag*

by Sophie Carbonell January 19, 2022


To give oneself roadhead

"What happened to your car?!"

"I crashed into a street light and rolled over into a JC Penney's"

"What were you thinking"

"I wasn't thinking, I was stagging; full stop, throat occupied, and couldn't see a damn thing."

by Curtis (CCR) November 26, 2022


Scared of Talking to Attractive Girls

Bro 1: Hey bro, why don't you talk to that hot girl? i think she is into you.
Bro 2: No bro. first of all she is a one-night-stand type. Thats gives me a STAG.

by haribol February 19, 2020


when your man/nigga only fuck u because he feeling horny.

yo bae you a stag fr fr

by lil40kk January 16, 2023


A person who stags or it’s constantly stagin.

Bro stop doing that ur literally a stag.

by KingJohnson22 August 1, 2022


A group of guys that get together to have a celebration with no money involved. Things get weird when a deer comes out towards the end, and all the "straight guys" start having intercourse with it.

Are you guys excided for the stag tonight?

by fuckfi March 16, 2018


Something that is totally bullshit; an action that has negative consequences; a universal word for anything, good or bad.

Kyle: o my god! Are you kidding me dude? We're getting sent to school in this weather, again? This is some straight vag-stag(2)!

Jay: shut up you wench!

*note: word does not include (2)

by ďř.mxp¥ January 17, 2011

1👍 4👎