Someone who steals a ship u tried so hard to gatekeep, alternatively: Nikita
-Did you see Nikita today?
- That ship stealer? No
- Thank god
Usually a couple of friends stealing signs while one takes a video and then they all have to go to the police station. No parking signs are their favorite ones.
Man those sign stealers are so fucking amazing
when someone steals something and u call them stealer
u stealer
A person who steals belongings from other people.
Mark: Look at this, that person stole some granny's purse!
Paul: No way, he's such a stealer.
When your friends is too dumb to know the word stealer so they create their own.
**Tony gets something out of Emma's pencil case without asking**
Emma: Oi mate don't be a stealer.
The word your dumb as fuck friend uses when they are too stupid to know the word thief.
Emma: Oi mate look at that stealer.
Eve: stealer isn't a word.
Emma: now it is.