In verbage, to stem is to fling; toss with great power with an optional lack of accuracy. It may also (depending on context) mean an absolute domination ex: Gapping in racing.
1. Holy smokes Jebediah won the Amish Powerball and stemmed Abraham's horse and buggy!
2. Sorry I had to tell it to you like this, but the school R.A.D. team stemmed your pet hamster into outer fucking orbit.
A young Bosnian incest god that looks over the car game world.
"Stem got my parents to have me and they are cousins"
Stem - The male genitalia.
Stemed - sexual intercourse.
Finna catch this stem.
Na I just got stemed pretty hard.
Another word for the shaft of a penis commonly used as an insult
Bautsiino, you're being such a stem right now!
A guy that says we want more females in STEM or any other kind of work like he speaks for all males or people hasn't given it much, if any thought. Like males or any other group, there will be females that people love to be around in any field, then there are some nobody will miss, and whenever you go by a broad, general group (females, LGBT, black, asian, alien, and so on) instead of the individual person/people (where the soul is) you fuck things up.
What nobody tells anybody (and might not even be allowed to by some unwritten rule) is that there are females that nobody will miss among the females that really do deserve everything (but still wouldn't try to take advantage of every oppurtune time because of it). The same could be said of any other group, from males to LGBT, whether it be in STEM, the astronaut corps, music, or anything else.
In the LGBT community.. a stem is considered a female that cross dresses between a “fem” and guy or right comfortably in between. Stems aren’t considered a “masculine woman”.
Jaydes is a stem if you look at the way she dresses.
For one to be extremely determined and laser focus like a young man with a hard, straight and poignant penis wanting to run through many, many vaginas.
When his team lost their first game of the season, they refocused and would go on to Run Stem the rest of the season and went undefeated.