To be a Stuart Diver is rhyming slang for being a legendary survivor.
Stuart Diver was a ski instructor and the sole survivor of the 1997 Thredbo landslide in New South Wales, Australia. Stuart was lifted to the surface 12 hours after rescuers heard his voice deep in the mass of earth and debris. He was right beside his wife Sally, but his desperate efforts to save her were unsuccessful. He spent the next two-and-a-half days under the rubble in his underwear, with freezing water gushing past. Sixty-five hours after the landslide, Diver was saved, suffering only frostbite.
Stuart Diver is an Aussie legend in our vernacular - as is Steven Bradbury.
Steven Bradbury, whose gold medal was the first ever won by an Australian at the Winter Olympics, was dubbed “the Accidental Hero” after his four rivals all collided, tumbled and sprawled around the ice, leaving him to skate alone past the finish line.
He's a real Stuart Diver!
Stuart Anthony Weston likes to touch minors (13/15) at his big age of 18
Stuart Anthony Weston sexually assaulted that young girl
samuel is just a wonderfull person he is attractive that when ever woman walks parst the cum
omg samuel james stuart walked past me today and he is so wonderfull and attractive i came
When, after a breakup, one party starts dating a new person that is a doppleganger for their ex.
Did you see my ex's new girlfriend?! She looks just like me! He totally stuarted me!
A chill but badass guy. successful and confident and kind but takes no disrespect from anyone. Sexy beachbum and a bit of a rum snob.
Stuart I R Jones is a cheeky monkey. Everyone knows this!
A silver spoon child from a rich background like stuart little.
Man, you stuart little, stop tryna act tough.
the act of molesting your younger brother in a pontiac
i gave joey a stuart little this morning, he can only waddle now!
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