Great athlete and a very nice girl, she like having fun and having friends around her. She supports people when they need help, she will successful in life
Are you dating success?
Success is my best friend, I love her
Success is a shawty that deserves to be treated like a queen. She's not close perfect but, she has all these perfect imperfections that make her who she is.She is amazing. She is absolutely gorgeous and will make you smile even when you're at your worst. Shes always laughing and in a good if shes in a bad one something REALLY BAD happened.Don't disrespect her because if you do she wont hesitate to put you in your place!!She has big, beautiful brown eyes. She is amazing in every way, and no matter how messed up your life can be, Success can take it all away.Success is a baddie.Success is the realist girl you'll ever meet and thats on periodt.
''This girl has changed my life for the better fam'.'
''crodie i need me a Success in my life
The gain of something, whether it be knowledge, improvement, or just general happiness. Success comes in all shapes and sizes for individual people.
The happiness brought on by a lacrosse game, despite the loss, was a success.
total bullshit. success can be taken from you by the retarded law, fuck success. the only people who care about success are the big-assed onlyfans golddigger bitches who chose to be walking sex toys for the rest of their lives and are sad excuses for "women". intelligence over everything else. if you arent smart then fuck you. the governmet can LITERALLY PRINT MONEY, money is worthless. working out is all that matters. your body is the one thing that can never leave you. i solved obesity cancer and global warming but i wont tell anyone because i want humanity dead.
note: i dont hate women i just hate the nasty lesbos and the 6 foot plus billionaire chasing sluts who call themelves women. i go for the shy skinny bitches
Fuck success. even the succcessful people are not successful. such an icarus move to waste time on success.
The rare phenomenon where you actually do well in life.
You have a good job, a wife and kids. This is success in most peoples eyes.