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A fucking dumbass, Who has no clue what the fuck he is doing when he walks into a club or something of that sort. Basically a goddam retard.

Hey guess what, I say the worst tard at Wal-Mart today, Wal-Mart is basically a hang out place for Tards anytime of the day.

by Try me August 9, 2005

6๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž


Cross between a tit and a retard. A retard cant help it. A tit does it for a laugh. A tard cant help doin it for a laugh.

My m8 Mavis (wont go so far as to give surname, that would be tardish)He terrorizes/mocks his friends for a laugh because he cant help it, and because he cant help it, he cant stop...
The implications are obvious.

by Ethel March 18, 2006

6๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž



A person who repeatedly loses ju jitsu/ judo fights by doing stupid things. (often used as a general term of abuse).

person A: i cant believe i gave him a straight arm again!

person B: i know your such a Gi-Tard. *Armbars person A*

by 11 62 61 32 51 January 18, 2012

tard wrangler

Person who's job it is to corral or otherwise guide a group of "slow or special people" while they are being transported from place-to-place (usually via foot).

While at the zoo, I saw a tard wrangler attempting to wrangle a stray tard when he bolted from the group near the monkey cage.

by The Sarge November 14, 2003

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Tec tard

A retard in technology. A mentally challenged person in technology.

A old granny who doesn't know how to use a computer is a tec tard. A smart ass dip-shit that doesn't know how to print with a computer or smart phone is a tec tard.

by mwallace2202 October 13, 2013

Fuck tard

One who is incredibly stupid, beyond even that of a retard.

Many years ago, the average population of the fuck tard was thought to diminish over time due to the retarded fucking activities fuck tards often engage in (such as rolling a bowling ball down a slide into their testicles, potentially causing serious damage to them). However, this is not the case.

Through the invention of the internet (and websites such as youtube and 4chan), the fuck tard population has skyrocketed dramatically. Seeking fame among other fuck tards, many fuck tards will upload videos of themselves doing fucktarded things.

Other fuck tards may see these videos and decide to either 1.) recreate the fucktarded activity they had just seen or 2.) try to 1up the fuck tard for fuck tard street cred. The aforementioned fuck tard will also upload a video of himself engaging in whatever activity he decided upon.

In turn, this has lead to a shitstorm of fucktardation, the likes of which we have never before witnessed in history.

Lil fuck tard: Sup bromontana, you see that vid on youtube of that guy doing pull ups from that crane without any safety gear?

Fuck tard youngling: Yeah, it might be a good idea for us to try that ourselves

by slamthevag March 12, 2011

2210๐Ÿ‘ 151๐Ÿ‘Ž

OU tards

Plural form of OU tard. OU tards are people who either attend, "graduated" from, or are big fans of the University of Oklahoma aka TardU. Oklahoma is full them of them which explains why Oklahoma isn't a desirable place.

These damn OU tards always think it's natty szn but they literally have zero football intelligence.

by TurnM3Up December 10, 2019

185๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž