i told you not to go with dave and get that arce motor . it fired a rod out the side .
major haters who will do anything except realize that they are wrong
arc & co are so weird
Xbox ARC Generally, it is a social army that protects everyone and its allies Skull ARC, Tophat ARC
Xbox ARC
"Winter Arc" is used to refer to the period of time from early December to late January. It’s typically used to describe a season where you focus on self-improvement, whether it’s in finances, strength, skills, etc. However, most people don’t actually do anything during the "Winter Arc," and their lives simply continue as they were.
A: This Winter Arc is gonna be CRAZY, bro. I’m gonna start my own business and become a millionaire.
B: What is bro yapping about? Bro thinks he’s the MC.
“2 months later”
A: Bro, I didn’t do anything and just ended up watching TikTok at 3AM every day.
B: Nub 🗿
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the most wonderful time of the year once again ruined by 3 year olds trying to get buff by making sigma edits and not actually doing anything like working out
guy 1: welcome to the voting booth, hey winter is coming
guy 2: yeah i'm entering my winter arc
guy 1: i don't think you're old enough to vote
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Winter arc is when someone is becoming a better self during winter. You use the winter months to bulk up and grow because 'it's colder', so presumably you can spend more time inside in the gym.
I am on my winter arc, I'm going to the gym.
when you’re starting to do drugs, loan money from others, date minors etc.
dude you’ve been smokin so much coke!you’re on your haney arc!