Something you never see BUTT REALLY FEEL.
This is a brutal HOMOSEXUAL ACT where the one getting ASSHOLE FUCKED is being FIGGED with TACO BELL FIREY SAUCE and the act involves YOURS DICK running into a lot of SOLID FECES which all sums to a FIREY TESLA CRASH and the PAIN is unbearable BUT BUTT SAFE.
When you received the first down payment from your bank on your brand new Tesla Model Y, and you look at your newborn and think: "Fuck, I shouldn't have bought those shorts from Amundsen".
"Sorry I can't join the julebord at Statholdergaarden because I have the Tesla-sweats"
When a girl has a horshoe piercing in her vagina, and you connect a d-battery to it then proceed to have intercourse, electrocuting your genitals.
“Hey Trevor what was it like when you and your girl were Tesla coiling?”
“It was electrifying”
A car that every "car guy" aka stupid 5 year olds will brag about how tesla sucks and them mk4 supra is better and stuff
Very gud def not 5 year old car guy: tEsLa CaRs SuCk 1!1
Person with logic: shut the fuck up little timmy.
Just like the game of punchbuggy or slugbug when you see a Volkswagen Beetle, but this is when you see a Tesla you give the a slight horse-bite (pinch). You have to say "no bite back" or they can pinch you back.
Kris: Ohh, tiny bite tesla!! *pinch*
Me: Dang it!!
Kris: No bite back hahaha!!!
If when someone is really stupid, a random person will make a meme of him using these characters.
Mario bros was made on 1782 b.C.(Albert estaïn and Nicolas Tesla meme)