Denim is a very sweet person Especially towards her friends. She seems shy but once you get to really know her you will love her even more. Denim loves to talk to people. She is the athletic type and when she's not busy she's always on the same four apps on her phone. Denim wants to be closer with people/make Mutual friends but she feels as if she would be pushing it so she stays back. Denim loves music and listens to it all day including all different types of Music genre's so you can vibe with her any day. Overall denim is grateful to continue her journey wherever it takes her to.
Denim is sweet
Don't doubt her she can be sweet but don't play with her to much
Any man or woman that wears denim jeans, denim shirt, and a usually a Levi’s denim jacket is a denim monster.
Often seen with a LoneStar beer at a rodeo- usually a spectator not a participant.
“We’re you at the PBR rodeo finals the other day?
There was a while section of denim monsters over by the beer garden.”
Any man or woman that dresses head to toe in denim (often in multiple layers).
Did you go to the rodeo at the fairgrounds the other day?
There were Denim Monsters everywhere.
best jeanist from My Hero Academia
someone called best jeanist "Daddy Denim"
People who don’t wash their jeans for various reasons, especially because their denim is raw
That dirty denim hippy Mazzy really spells bad, they should wash their jeans.
Trying to fit your boner through a pair of skinny jeans, usually in the act of taking a pee, an almost impossible task
I pissed myself because I could not fix my denim poke
A rotund short woman, clad in denim trousers. Most important feature is the dependable attire of the denim jacket which covers up the cellulose-mottled cottage cheese torso.
Can be identified by rapid snorting disguised as laughing. Short red dyke-ish haircut rounds out this rare specimen's ensemble.
*snort snort*
"Hey, who let the pig into Bob's Restaurant?"
*turns around*
"Oh, never mind, it's just that denim dyke again."