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nostalgia blindness

A condition in which fond memories of something cause a failure to perceive it objectively at a later time.

Thanks to my nostalgia blindness, I feel that movie I saw when I was six years old is still great, even though it doesn't hold up anymore.

by Razum Tazum August 20, 2020

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Blind Elephant

When your t-bagging a girl and you flip around and your nuts cover her eyes and your dick hangs over her nose like an elephant truck, shes a blind elephant!!!

The blind Elephant is when
When your t-bagging a girl and you flip around and your nuts cover her eyes and your dick hangs over her nose like an elephant truck, shes a blind elephant!!!

by devilma June 29, 2009

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blind shit

When you go to the bathroom without checking if there is any toilet paper

John went to the bathroom at night, sat down to do his thing and realised, there is no toilet paper, John has taken a blind shit.

by Jarvisen November 11, 2015

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nigger blind

the inability to distinguish one blacky from an other

"Dude, is that Marlon Wayans or Damon Wayans?"
"Hell... how the fuck am I supposed? I'm nigger blind."

by Bucky Beils November 23, 2018

blind justice

The act of weighing drugs without a scale.

Drug buyer: "Lemme get a dub, yo."
Drug dealer: "I don't have a scale."
Drug Buyer:"Do me some blind justice."

by HuHadyu August 11, 2015

ultrasound blindness

Usually afflicting fathers-to-be and men and women who haven't been through pregnancy yet, this is a visual/brain problem that prevents a person from seeing in an ultrasound image where the baby is when it's perfectly obvious to the doctor and pregnant mother-to-be. Sometimes, but always, the pregnant woman will suffer from this affliction as well. You should worry if the doctor has it too.

Doctor: "Aaand there's our little guy!"
Mom: "Awww, he looks so cute! Doesn't he look beautiful, hon?"
Dad: "I-I guess so... Where is he again?"
Doctor: See? That's his hand with his 4 little fingers and thumb and you can also see his fingernails. And if you squint real hard you can see the individual atoms making up his penis."
Mom: "See honey? See his little peenee?"
Dad: "What...? I- don't... Wha...?"
Doctor to Mom: "He must be suffering from ultrasound blindness. Perfectly normal for fathers-to-be and village idiots. He's just not as awesome as you and I."
*both doctor and mom then laugh at dad's expense*

by thePenciler February 24, 2010

blind potato

A person who, despite their "many eyes", is too stupid to look right in front of them.

I was looking for my glasses for an hour before I realized they were in my hand the entire time! I'm such a blind potato!

by <rant> October 3, 2010