Source Code

Dressing the Wound


Synonym for "Paint Brushing;" To brush your Cack or Penis against a juicy vagina.

I spent the first 20 minutes Dressing the Wound before I finally slipped it in.

by Diddypop/Daddy May 1, 2008

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lockup dress

A dress (or other garment) with a zipper, buttons, or other closures in back that is impossible or nearly impossible for the wearer to remove by herself.

The wearer, without the help of another person, is "locked in" the dress.

This dress has buttons all down the back that must all be open to get it on or off; it is therefore a lockup dress.

I can't reach the zipper on the back of this lockup dress.

This jumper is a lockup dress also locks the blouse on your body. Even if the blouse does not have any zipper or buttons in back, the jumper goes on top and must be removed first before the blouse.

by bedd time September 15, 2010

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It means crossdressing(when a person of one sex dresses as the other sex).

You saw that crossdresser over there? Man, you almost couldn't tell that it was X-Dressing!

by A_Certain_Fanfic_Reader April 25, 2009

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window dress

Using shop windows (or other public windows) to check appearance and to style hair.

example 1:
a: How did your date go last night?
b: Ah it didn't start too well, I was late so I had to window dress on the way!

example 2:
a: He always has to window dress when we are out, its so embarrassing...
b: One time he did it through someones car door - without noticing the people sitting inside!

by Mikey_C October 16, 2008

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Ranch Dressing

When a man emmits his semen on a girls face after sexual intercourse then licks it off her face while they continue intercourse/kissing!

Last night, i gave my girlfriend some ranch dressing for her salad i "tossed".

by yorolandabith May 3, 2011

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fuckum dress

a sexy dress, that every woman has, which shows off her goodies; it's worn to attrach guys (while making her own guy jealous). Also known as a Fuckum dress. This was thought of by Martin Lawrence, not Beyonce.

"...you go in the room and put on your fuckum dress. You be like fuckum girl, fuckum. Fuckum girl, fuckum. Fuckum girl, fuckum." -Martin Lawrence(You So Crazy)

by meetdani January 19, 2014

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drizzle the dressing

another way of expressing the commonly used phrase "blowing your load"

Destro was so bored he downloaded some pornos and started beating himself silly.
It wasn't until it was time to drizzle the dressing that his mother came in and caught him in the act.
Destro drizzled the dressing in front of his mumma!

by destro April 29, 2004

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