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Down to Funnel

Adjective meaning that the subject is willing to funnel a beer through a beer funnel or some other instrument for chugging.

Abbreviated as DTF.

Conor: Dude, grab me another beer, I'm DTF.


Conor: Damn straight I'm down to funnel

by draindadlives October 23, 2011

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love funnel

When a girl has to pee really badly, but doesn't want to walk to the bathroom...if you love her you will make a funnel with your hands to enable her to go in a soda bottle.

I don't want to go all the way downstairs, grab that bottle and make a love funnel for me.

by Mamabsbe July 7, 2014

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Fag funnel

A person who uses any type of grenade launcher as a way to get most of their kills in a video game. It is largely associated with the Call of Duty Series of games.

"Every time i run into that guy, all he uses is a f##king fag funnel"

by Freelance crash August 13, 2011

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chip funnel

The art of creasing the open bag of potato chips at the top corner, in order to dump the remnants in your mouth. A maneuver carried out, when in a rush or when trying to speed up the road towards obesity.

Hey, Jimmy John, hurry up and chip funnel those doritos -- we gotta go!

Fat Sam quickly chip funnelled his bag of doritos, so as not to decrease the pace towards downing his mountain dew.

by Poork Rhinds May 10, 2010

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golden funnel

Receiving a Golden Shower while wearing a plastic collar guard like those put on a dog to prevent agitating of wounds.

I gave that bitch a golden funnel last night!!!

by forrest484 May 1, 2006

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Funnel monkey

The body of a person wherther dead or live that is sucked up into the funnel of a tornado and people can see it spinning around the funnel.

The term is used by teens ect. in tornado ally around the midwest and south part of the united states.

Funnel monkeys are not common but have been seen from time to time spinning around and around a tornado funnel.

Look there's a funnel monkey!

by Judge dredd7 April 28, 2011

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funnel cakes

a male who demonstrates homosexual tendencies, but who is in reality heterosexual

He looks like a funnel cake in those asspants.

by Donald Kelipse Johnson May 6, 2005

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