The place where you lose the meaning of life and humanity. You go in happy and ready to "find yourself", but you come out looking like someone from orange is the new black.
middle school is like a flaming dumpster fire on top of a burning building that will give u mental health issues cause people are assholes and in middle school fresh out of ur baby years and into real grades that sorta matter so u have no way to know how to stick up for urself if ur like me
"ya middle school was the worst years of my life"
A heckhole filled with a bunch of sweaty people and self important jerks. Other than that, you would also get to stay in one classroom for an hour, six times. Basically a headache in a building. Aside from that, you get to wander around alone during break, while your elementary friends will hang out with a bunch of random people because they're so lucky they get to be popular and they pretend like they don't even know you exist. Once you go home and get to cry in your bed for a couple of hours, you get to have the thought of going to school the next day... Five more times... for ten months... aaaand twelve more years.
Person 1: Hey, what are you doing in middle school tomorrow?
Person 2: Nothing
Person 1: Really?
Person 2: No, actually lots. Too much
Person 1: Oh, we get to watch a movie
Person 2: Spoiled brat, middle school doesn't let you do that
It sucks ass. Most people smell like rotten curry that sat in the refrigerator for 10 years. Middle School is the 3 most shittiest years of your life. The boys are perverts and the girls are hoes that think they cool. (they not)
to-be 6th grader: *excited for ms*
8 grader: "So hows middle school for ya?"
6th grader: "Its ass"
8th grader: "Accurate"
popular kids- stuck up bitches who only care about themselves
nerds- weird geeky kids with glasses, smell like rotten curry
normal- people who actually have common sense and know what they r doing, mostly sane human beings
perverts- weird ass kids. all they think about is have $*x . they smell like shit
people who don't give a crap- .....
the athletic boys- walk like the hulk, think they are going to get a scholarship just case the barely made a 3 to "win" the basketball game. they think they cool af and they can do anything they want. they talk like 20 year olds that JUST hit puberty cause their voices are 10 octaves too high.
in middle school everyone have suicidal thoughts because they get bullied and stuff
most of the popular kids are just rich kids that think they own the place (they rlly don't) . the hallways are crowded as hell and the teachers get mad when you're late because someone slammed your ass into a locker.
the teachers are dumb bitches who think homework is fun and they suck ass at teaching. most of them are high all the time but if you have a good teacher, cherish them. :)
6th grader: "I thought Middle School would be fun." :|
8th grader: "Welcome to hell"
Worst place to be in for three years, Even worse if you're a female like I am. Most boys think they are super badass, cool, and funny, but in reality the're usually seen as super loud, and annoying. A bunch girls in my grade aren't any better. Loving to be on instagram anytime they can manage, whining about not being on their phone for two minutes, and just being bothersome. Being a very tall, Very pale, shy nerd with anxiety, like I am obviously cant get you in the popular girls clique. If you can survive middle school you can survive everything.
5th grader: "WOW! I can't wait to be in middle school! ill have a lot of friends, I'll be SO mature, and i might even be popular!
*Me trying so hard not to bring them down* Uh..Yeah! Sure you will..
A hell hole where none of it even matters. Teachers are assholes and don't give a fuck about anything and are way too strict. Also, since were in 2020 if your not a popular person that tries too fight everybody then your an emo kid who cuts themselves and looks weird as hell with their green ass hair, oh and puberty. People that aren't in puberty will just make fun of you for it like a little bitch, and must us not forget the work that we have too do in a week. Projects, homework, quizzes, essays, and test. All in a short amount of time. 8th graders talk shit about people because their a couple months older than them and 6th graders think they run the school. A complete waste of time overall but don't even really try nothing matters too anything until highschool. Not too mention the ass food. They say we get seasoned chicken and shit but instead get a dry ass hamburger and we can't even have salt or anything because of vegans and allergies.
Middle School sucks I walk in and can't even talk too my friends