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Naughty Sack

A small bag, filled with numerous "Naughty" items (Hence the name) Such as lubricants, condoms, panties, etc...
Popular with honeymoon sex resorts.

Guy: Hold on, before I gizz all over the place, lemme' get a condom from my naughty sack.

Girl: Hurry then, I don't want it to stop now.

by Mark2719 December 6, 2008

naughty pen

When you drop your pen and you can't find it, that pen would therefore be a naughty pen.

Can you grab my pen? No, I can't find it, what a naughty pen

by Alfonzo The Great March 27, 2018

Naughty Box

simply put...a vagina.

Did you see what that lady pulled out of her naughty box?

by naughtyboxmars March 11, 2016

Naughty Gun

Positioning your middle and index fingers outward in the form of a handgun in order to stimulate female genitalia. Optional: thumb may be used for a clitoral stimulator and/or anal plug.

Eric: Jack! You'll never guess what happened last night.

Jack: Did you get a rim-job by a midget?

Eric: Naw dick, i gave that bitch Kati my naughty gun

by $ickBoy September 21, 2011

Naughty Lemsip

A naughty lemsip involves opening a packet of lemsip, then peeling back ones foreskin and pouring the contents of the packet on to ones todger. With said todger prepared, one proceeds to roger ones wife or significantly other, resulting in a fizzy and fun cold remedy.

I was feeling a little rough last night so I gave my mrs a naughty lemsip

by MaroubraAndy September 11, 2020

Naughty Joe

This word is for a friend named Joe, or Jordan. If they are naughty you are legally aloud to spank him 3 times. If he resist, double the amount of spanks.

Friend: Joe did you sleep with my mom
Joe: Um... no
Friend: Naughty Joe
Joe: Nooooo!
Friend: *spank spank spank*

by Asawantedmetodothis November 29, 2019

Adorably naughty

Naughty but aborable

You're like minion. Adorably naughty

by Enyo Ezangpo November 5, 2018