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Dev Shah

This is the name given to certain, special Indian men who exhibit certain qualities. These qualities include, but are not limited to: being extremely funny, extremely classified, extremely dangerous, extremely shady, extremely sketchy, extremely rude, extremely nice, extremely good looking, extremely sex, extremely unbelievable.

Most experts on this classified individual recommend not getting too close to him or even friending him.

"Dev Shah just murdered his best friend. That's so wack! I thought he was really nice!"

by [REDACTED] [ACCESS DENIED] March 1, 2019

Roma Shah

Roma Shah is a intelligent person that is small and feisty. Roma Shah's are really short. They may be short but they are feisty and tough. Roma Shah's are extremely smart and intelligent people. All Roma Shah's are great friends, but they may occasionally threaten to kill you they are an amazing friend you will never forget.

Wow! She is so smart and tiny she is totally a Roma Shah

by Hehe Haha ha June 16, 2017

Mr. Shah

The sexiest and best teacher ever. The Chillest guy ever, but you don't want to piss him off because that's when he cracks. But other than that, if you're on his good side he will be an amazing teacher.

Boy: Who's that?
Boy 2: Oh that's Mr Shah, he's super chill
boy 1: Oh yeah I know Mr. shah. He's pretty dope

by Momo.223 April 29, 2021

Zain shah

A GOOD KING or Ruler who knows how to rule on people heart and owns tons of money.

Zain shah was a great person

by Henamontena November 23, 2021