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Swirly Vortex

When you forget to do an easy assignment that ends up being worth almost an entire grade; The swirly vortex of zero

Nick! did you do your homework?
"nick" Nah, it was only worth like 5 points
"teacher" actually, class; that was your assessment for the week. it's worth 300 points.
*Everyone starts swirling their pens in a circle in the air*

by Elijahhhhhhhhhhhh September 10, 2008

Swirly Temple

Similar to a swirly but with a new twist.

When you have your period in a toilet and then you shove the head of a person you don’t like or a dweeb in the toilet and give them a swirly. Just like a classic swirly but red due to the period blood so it’s called a swirly temple because Shirley temples are red.

Hey dweeb! Get outta the girls room before we give you a swirly Temple!

by Stinky Stina February 18, 2025

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Anus swirly whirly

An Anus swirly whirly is when a person in given a swirly while there is shit in the toilet and while being fisted in the anus.

“Damn Alex Got it yesterday in the bathroom, they gave him a Anus swirly whirly.“

by -mimic_bean- October 24, 2020

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The state of being swept up in the feelings that come with crushing on someone; not just limited to girls.

Zhao looked at her, and now Patty is all swirly-girly.

by skibbity038 July 9, 2021

Cole Swirly

When you grab a girl from behind and force her to her knees, pushing her face into a toilet bowl, then proceed to thrust into her from behind, with her face splashing into the water with each thrust.

"My makeup got completely ruined by the Cole Swirly"

by MistressRicci April 1, 2018

nuclear swirlie

One of the cruelest possible variants of the chocolate swirlie, the bullying maneuver wherein a jock dunks a nerd's head in a shit-filled toilet and flushes, the 'nuclear' variation is when multiple jocks have shit in the toilet without flushing so the bowl is full to the brim before the swirlie is performed on a very, VERY unlucky nerd.

Me and all my hockey teammates gave this dork a nuclear swirlie last year, it was sick! The whole team shit in the same toilet in the locker room without flushing for like a week and it was nearly overflowing. Then after school one day we nabbed this random loser from the hallway and dragged him in there and BOOM! We dunked him face-first all the way in. My bros were holding him down while I gave him crazy wedgies. And we just kept going for like 10 minutes straight. We'd pull him out for a second to breathe and dunk him straight back in. When the team captain finally flushed him, it wouldn't even all go down at once, so his whole head was still covered in shit and it was dripping down his face! So of course we gave him a hanging wedgie in the lockers so he couldn't clean himself up for a while. Man, that was fun. Makes me wanna go find a nerd now...

by yikestbh July 24, 2024

Cuban Swirly

Giving someone a swirly with a turd in the bowl.

That punk ass needs a Cuban swirly.

There's a cigar turd in the bowl waiting for him.

by MyRealNameisTurdburglar December 2, 2024