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Thirsty Stalker

A person who is stalking someone via social media or in real life in the hopes of getting more information about the person so they can get with them.

Grace: I saw Emily flirting sooooo hard with Miguel this morning!
Irene: Omg I saw her on his Facebook earlier! She's such a Thirsty Stalker!!!

by ThirstyBlondie July 15, 2014

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a thirsty redneck

Someone who likes their cousin

"Man my cousin lynn; I wonder if she a freak."
Aye bro u a thirsty redneck

by longdaddyd December 26, 2011

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Thirsty Trick

A trick (meaning a bitch) thats thirsty or beastin for a dude when it aint even that serious.

Calm the fuck down you thirsty trick I dont want him anyway!

by Ladii Dypsett March 11, 2007

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Thirsty Hippo

Essentially the white mans purple drink, except it's red... It is a coctail containing: 1 gallon of cherry Kool Aid, 1 liter of cheap vodka, and 1 can of Four Loko Fruit Punch flavored. It costs about 13$ to make and will fuck alot of people up fast. It is a popular drink in lancaster NY, a mainly white suburb of buffalo NY, so purple drink doesnt fly in Lancaster, instead we drink Thirsty Hippo.

Brian: All i have is a liter of cheap ass vodka, a can of Four Loko, and some kool aid. WTF am I supposed to do with this shit?
Sidney: Lets make some Thirsty Hippo and get fucked up!

by 716 assasin January 12, 2012

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thirsty texter

1. a thirsty texter is that person who will text you something and then text you the same damn thing 5 minutes later if you dont text them back.

1. a thirsty texter may also send one text then another unrelated one a few minutes later if you haven't responded.

1. 7:15 Heyyyy (from John)
7:20 Heyyyy (from John)
7:22 Stop being a thirsty texter! Maybe I didn't text back right away because I was busy!!! (from Jill)

2. 7:15 So what are you wearing to the party tonight? (from Mary)
7:20 I saw this really cute dress at the store today... (from Mary)

by boxb June 10, 2009

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Thirsty Thursday

An early start to the weekend for many college students who go out and get sloppy on Thursday night.

"Hey, are you going to study that Psych tonight?"
"Hell no! It's Thirsty Thursday!"

by Italian Stallion 555 September 15, 2006

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Thirsty Boys

a popular gang in southern california; a rival to Members Only

Those thirsty boys are always gettin the poon and killin Members

by knowledgeman1231234 April 28, 2009

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