(n.) an extremely dense happy trail
That guy has a really hairy back and the bushiest nappy trail I've ever seen.
A shit shadow or velcro fart.
"I wouldn't walk there if I was you, that's right in my turd trail"
When you cum in between her tits and use it as lubricant.
"Dude she let me take a trip down Peter's Trail last night!"
noun - the state of becoming high or buzzed specifically on a hiking trail or social path
I was hiking behind these hippies and I got a trail buzz
Originally from cross-country running, a dog trail is a path that cuts away from the main course. It sometimes enables a runner to get away from a crowded pack and return later, further up the course. The dog trail is often longer, but being less crowded can sometimes cut the time to advance in the race. Nonetheless, it is a risky choice to take. In business meetings, a dog trail refers to going off the main topic of discussion focusing on barely related ideas one individual wants to promote. This can often prolong the discussion, even when the resultant conversation could ultimately be fruitful.
Bob has taken us on a dog trail Let's get back on topic and complete the meeting.
A mans hairy trail between the ballsack and asshole also known as a taint
“Dude my Jungle Trail is really sweaty”
The scent trail that a woman leaves behind when she walks past you.
tony- what the hell is that smell??
milenkovitch- i think it is that lady that just walked by.....
tony- holey shit those are some nasty FEM-TRAILS!!!!
milenkovitch- yes and just like chem-trails they are destroying my mind and make me want to sex sex sex!!!