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Eurasian Traveler

A Eurasian Traveler is when you take a shit in a girl/woman’s purse.

It is most likely a revenge or prank. It is usually on a woman who carries a large or oversized purse. It could also be in any type of bag carried by a male or female.

Originated from the movie Borat (who is Eurasian), where he shits in a bag and presents it to a group of people.

Joe: I bought that girl drinks all night, and she was all "come home with me," so I did, and then she didn't want to hook up. She just wanted to snuggle.

Steve: Damm, that sucks man.

Joe: It's ok. She looked better with the beer goggles on anyhow. Before I left I dropped a Eurasian Traveler in her purse. Probably won't be hearing from her again.

Steve: Ouch, she'll probably reach in there for her wallet and get a nasty surprise.

Joe: Definitely have to wash your hands after you meet the Eurasian Traveler.

by bigfletchdog November 21, 2007

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travel lodge

1) A cheap hotel franchise based within the UK.

2) Cockney rhyming slang for "dodge" or "dodgy".

1) Let's stay at the travel lodge, for it is cheap.

2) Ben: That old man taking pictures of the children at the park.
CockneyKid: Bit travel lodge, eh?

by PartTimePartyBoy August 27, 2008

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time traveling

Drinking alcohol until you black out and mentally skip a period of your life.

-Man, you were so hammered last night you passed out on the floor.
-No, I was just doing a little time traveling.

by Shepshizzle April 23, 2008

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Negro Travel

A form of transportation used by black characters in the game "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas", namely Carl Johnson. There are a multitude of forms of Negro Travel, including, but not limited to: crouching in the back of a moving truck, rolling sideways while holding a shotgun for extended lengths, or "heat-seeker gliding", which one has to experience to believe.

Matt: Ben, how will you get to the Pizza Stack? Your car is all busted up!

Ben: Negro Travel, of course.


by [KB] Blacker May 15, 2010

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travel log

the erection men seem to get when they are travelling in a veichle of some sort, especially happening on trains and buses where the vibrations, and monotomy causing tiredness thus arousal seem to be triggers

mate ive got to think of something horrible i cant get of this bus like this i have a travel log !

by Apoclamite July 11, 2010

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sex and travel

a more complicated way of saying "fuck off" to a person.

Dude1: Hey, you like sex and travel?
Dude2: Yeah, sure!
Dude1: Then FUCK OFF!

by Crapper McGee March 28, 2004

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travelers dust

If you have to ask, you can't afford it.

Can I offer you two fine gentlemen at this Greyhound Station some travelers dust?

by Epherum January 16, 2016