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Something that is tough

Kyle: “I dropped my hot pocket

Mark: “Tuff”

by S Whitby June 22, 2021


someone who‘s really good at ball

1 hits a crazy shot
2: that‘s tuff

by xnvy June 6, 2023


A way of saying "Damn bro"

Person A: "Bro I fell RIGHT INFRONT of him I'm so embarrassed"
Person B: "That's tuff"

by ex0t1c_s4m October 17, 2021


When someone says something that you really don’t care about or if something is cool

Random person: yo I got brand new shoes

Me:that’s pretty tuff

by And I -oop October 2, 2019


Adam, Deuce, Josh, Nahom, Abis, Yoni, and Nate

ur just like Adam, Deuce, Josh, Nahom, Abis, Yoni, and Nate, your just so tuff

by hajajah March 4, 2024


cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese

wow thats some tastey tuff

by i.like.cheese:) May 27, 2021


Exceedingly cool; bitchin', rad, wicked awesome. I first heard and used this word in junior high the mid 1960s in Washington state, near Tacoma.

"Those Beatle boots are tuff!"
"That banana seat bike is tuff!"
"Veronica is tuff!"

by OkeyDokeyBoomer September 2, 2021