The unfortunate penalty for successful investigators in which they are required to fix the mistakes of a UNI's inadequate or poor work performance.
The Detective had to pay the UNI Tax for nearly three days, tracking down a victim whose phone number was never properly entered into the police report.
An item or thing which is of low quality/ kind of trash, mainly used to describe certain objects or people
Justin said "I am uni quality!" meaning he's trash or low quality.
One who has one testicle that sits directly in middle of the scrotum
I can see your uni-ball sticking out of your banana grundle.
A royal blooded and handsome lad, with a very charismatic and jestic character, a chick magnet indeed, loves dogs and loves girls so much
I remeber Matt Uni, he is indeed a stunner
Kingston's uni is a place where you get brutually molested by Zafar and Riccardo. Kingston's uni does voodoo in the labs in oder to keep the kids in the basement unaware of the outside world. It also provide a wide choice of spliffs directly from Riccardo which is THE plug in town.
Shit man I got raped by Khan yesterday at Kingston's uni
A man having testicles so large that it appears as if it is one giant ball
My fiances uni scrote is as big as a softball
An improvised percussive attitude reconfiguration, delivered cranially via any scrap segment of UniStrut between 22 and 36" in length.
"He was late three times this week and didn't bring coffee for the crew? Says here in Section 12, Subsection 11.2 of the Foreman's Manual of Standard Site Procedures: "That's it, give'm the Uni."