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Metamorphosis Vaccine

Metamorphosis Vaccine (MMV): A vaccine that, when administered, transforms a human being into another animal species. This term is often used in science fiction and speculative scenarios and is not currently supported by scientific evidence.

Scientists were working on developing the Metamorphosis Vaccine, which promised to revolutionize the field of medicine by allowing humans to physically transform into any animal they desired.

by Phieyl February 4, 2023

Vaccination rate

It's not a bad thing that the vaccination rate is lower than what some entities would like, at least people that haven't gotten a vaccine know that there are plenty of other people that haven't been bought into a vaccine line, and have no intention of getting in line with the agenda of these entities, even if they are told that they are outnumbered by people who are or have been standing in a vaccine line.

At least not everybody would get a vaccine because their kids are offered a scholarship or they could win a few million dollars in a vaccine lottery, good for them. That way the vaccination rate stays lower than some entities would like, even if it's not really low enough.

by The Original Agahnim June 23, 2021

Vaccinational reopening

A national resumption, enabled by development of a vaccine for covid-19.

The country would wait as long as necessary for a vaccinational reopening.

by Monkey's Dad April 16, 2020

vaccination rage

Anger associated with someone being vaccinated who you felt is undeserving

I am suffering from vaccination rage watching that anti-masker get vaccinated for COVID

by lostinthezone January 20, 2021


They don't cause autism.

Karen: Vaccinations cause autism.
Me: How, how?

by Deadboydoor517 August 11, 2021

vaccine freeloader

People who don't want to get vaccinated but expect others to so that the government can reopen and they can enjoy the benefits of the vaccinated.

How dare that vaccine freeloader ask to come over knowing I got the vaccine and she didn't.

by Thomas May 10, 2021


Getting a vaccine to help prevent a specific illness.

Bike: “Hey Bud, I have COVID.”
Nick: “Its okay guy, I’m vaccinized.”

by Guy Nick III March 27, 2021