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plaza vista

one of the most trashy schools you could ever go to, full of terrible teachers who can’t do their jobs and more than 99% of the population consisting of Asians.

You could find 1/4 of asia’s population at plaza vista.

by Imnotsaying... February 13, 2018

bella vista

The hottest girls, the dumbest guys. If you're at a crackin party it must be thrown by a Bella Vista girl. We get away with what we want, and still look cute doing it.

"I want to meet a hot, smart girl, i want a Bella Vista girl"

by that girl1989 April 10, 2008

22πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

windows vista

microsofts new software. ive heard that its better thought because it looks better and only crashes once an hour instead of twice. worst of all, they removed microsoft sam!!!!!


by Just Shut Up February 9, 2009

7πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

windows vista

piece of shit that should have never happened, cost the microsoft more than it cost you

that is just a windows vista(a.k.a crap and/or shit)

by bilboTbaggins June 29, 2012

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Windows Vista

A Windows-based Operating System, released on October 22, 2009. It's base upon Windows XP made it functional in stock condition. Upon adding internet access and downloads to this concoction, Vista goes into Hyper-Security mode. It asks users constantly whether or not they want to let a program run.

In fact, it's so secure, it's material equivalent is not of titanium, continental crust, nor is it of wood. It's of swiss cheese.

Julia: Hey, Marissa! I just upgraded to Windows Vista. I'll be more secured than ever!

Marissa: May god have mercy on your computer's digital soul.

by MS-DOS March 16, 2012

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

monta vista

the school for kids who can score 1600 but still cant spell MONTE.

i go to monta vista. that's right, thats monta with an A.

by Anonymous September 10, 2003

67πŸ‘ 131πŸ‘Ž

chula vista

AKA Chulajuana. Slowling becoming part of Tijuana because of the lack of imigration control.

I was driving down the road and noticed all the billboards were in Spanish and thought I was in TJ until I realized I was just in Chula Vista.

by TIMDUB September 14, 2005

135πŸ‘ 279πŸ‘Ž