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World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft or WoW.
Is a highly popular and addictive MMORPG(massave multiplayer online roll playing game)your choice of races and classes include for the aliance: Humans,Night elves, Dwarfs, Gnomes, and Draenei. for the horde: Undead, troll, Taurin, Bloodelf, Orc. Classes include: Shammains,Rogues,Mages, Warriors, Palladians,Priests, Warlocks,Druids.
for $15.00 a month or so you can spend as much time on and number of servers "realms", charactors or "toons"
It can be a very social game with all the chats avalible /say /yell /local /local defence /trade /guild /party /whisper ect..
Its easy to spend too much of your time on here because the game N E V E R FUCKING ENDS there are countless things to waste your time doing,from raiding (large amount of peole grouping up to take on a common monstar or group of) with fourty-ten other players to instance be it heroic (harder than normal with improved lootz) or regular with five other people, to fighting Player vs Player (pvp) in from ten vs ten battlegrounds (bgs) to the largest at the moment of thirty nine vs thirty nine to earn honor and token for the respected "bg" you partake in, increasing your reputaion with the meny factions, the higher the rep. the better rewards avalible to you. Increasing your professions from which you can choose two:enchanting,tailoring,blacksmithing, mining ,engineering,jewelcrafting,skinning, leatherworking,herbilisem,alcamy
plus the basics that everyone can learn in addiation to the list above.firstaid,fishing,cooking.
or when all else fails spamming trade chat till you troll someone into arguing with you over what class is better.

1) I used to be a heroin addict but I gave it up to play World of Warcraft full time.

2) random gamer:/tradechat: Yay woooot lvl 70 beoch!
WoW lifer:/tradechat: STFU NOOB talk to me when you have 6 lvl 70s all with epic flight and full t6.

3)I lost my wife she took all three of my kids with her to her moms im 50k in debt from ordering take out and porno ppv my hands are like claws from holding the mouse and my acorn sized penis for weeks at a time, i think i shit my pants yesterday but im going to wait till after we run kara tomarrow to check..

4) three year old: "mommy/daddy im hungry can i eat today?
wow addict:ya when are you going to be able to get your own food noob im trying to find these motes of air in these gas clouds..IF I MISS ONE CAUSE YOU HAVENT EATTEN IN THREE DAYS... IM GOING TO BEAT YOUR ASS!" OWNED>>PAWN3D

by Teetymilk:Female Tauren Druid September 1, 2008

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world of warcraft

The highest form of birth control

I was going to bang him,. but he played world of warcraft

by qunt December 8, 2013

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world of warcraft

I would just like to direct this entry to all you guys who play this shitty ass game. Let me give you a little example of what this pointless internet game can do to your already pathetic lives:

I have been stranded on an island for my summer vacation for about a week now, no internet, no cel phone signal...
Only today my phone picked up a signal, and i called my boyfriend to explain to him why i had missed all his calls. This is the the fucking answer i get:
" Hey honey, usually i would hang-up the phone to talk to you, but im playing with all my guild members, we are in a really tight situation and i cant just say good-bye without them getting pissed at me."
Oh really?? well guess what? fuck you and your fucking world of warcraft, because im not waiting around for a fucking asshole who cares more about some fucking virtual friends than about his girlfriend. Maybe you can find a way for your guild buddies to fuck you pal. See you when you are 80, in debt, and alone jackass.

by Michell July 7, 2006

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world of warcraft

A fantasy land for people who were beaten up in grade school.

A life sucking, legal drug.

A place for nerdy liberal lovers to inflate their ego, although they themselves are losers.

A gathering of nerdtards who have no future as far as money, success, girls (or men for a large portion), or life.

A game for inbred homos to take their anger out on dwarves and orcs ( the anger usually contracted by some real person just kicking their ass...or their mom grounding them)

Ben is such a nerdy loser because he plays world of warcraft.

Mom leave me alone! I'm going to be in my room playing WOW and you can't come! I'll kill you with my Paladin! (begins to cry)

Hey! Nerd! I'll kick your ass because you play world of bitchnerds...Come here (begins to beat the nerd about the face until he is bloody and crying)

by Radwolf August 11, 2006

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World of Warcraft

An MMORPG game often mistaken to be the world's best game mainly because it has 6 million users. It also has many elements of other MMORPGs. Any time you type in MMORPG on a search engine, World of Warcraft will pop up 75% of the time. Just as it is fun, it also ruins social lives.

<Player> Dude, I just beat this really hard boss on World of Warcraft and I gained four levels!
<Friend> And I care for what reason?
<Player> 'Cause WoW kicks ass!
<Friend> Riiiigggghhhttt...I think I'll just go outside now, and you know, LIVE.

by Shades McGee May 19, 2006

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world of warcraft

a World Full of Nerd's troll's and. Midget's a place to Gather The oddest Wierdo's of Society n Talk about the the most Un-Usefull Thing's
They Only Have a Job to Support there WOW Gameing n Equipment.

( world of warcraft )WOW Did you do a Raid to Get The Queer Relic from The Butt Troll & Some Gay Gold to make you're Character even 20X more Gayer Then Last Night'

by Tommy/Jared February 21, 2009

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World of Warcraft

An abomination of a game, masquerading as an MMORPG. Responsible for the demise of compelling, rewarding game experiences found in real MMORPGs (UO, EQ, AC, DAoC, AO, etc...) prior to its release.

Best reserved for use as a Pejorative...

This game is mediocre, but hey, at least it's no World of Warcraft.

by Kaldaien June 17, 2010

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