Han Solos ‘insult’ to Princess Leia in Star Wars: A New Hope
Trying to get the attention of somebody who thinks they are royalty or on top of the world with an insult.
Han: “Look, your worshipfulness.”
Leia: “Why you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy looking nerf herder!”
A time where brothers and sisters in Christ come together and pray, confess, worship, and fellowship in a nocturnal setting.
Amos "Hey Jenny you coming to the prayer and worship night?"
Jenny "no I have homework"
Amos "But what about Jesus!?"
Jenny "haha ok I'll sherk my responibilities and come!"
On the 10th of april you must worship my girlfriend named, Mari. If you do not worship her your is the dumb.
On this day you absolutely MUST worship her. If you do not comply, I will come to your house and sliAnyway, make sure to worship mari!
We should worship mari today!
Worship Mari Day is very good! :)
An individual who has an irrational fear/obsession with Covid-19 a virus with a 99% survival rate. These folks usually wear masks 24/7 & in some cases gloves. They become very hostile when they observe others not wearing masks or social distancing. Covid Worshiper have been known to lecture, yell, scream and harass others who do not share their irrational fear.
They view unmasked folks as "selfish" or "uncaring" and typically voice this out loud in a temper tantrum.
Covid Worshiper have been known to virtue signal any chance they get as they feel they are helping society for the "greater good" by constantly wearing their masks & yelling virtue signals at unsuspecting strangers. They also feel that the whole world should live in a "Safe space", locked down, double-masked, and gloved up with no foreseeable end in sight.
Many Covid Worshipers typically see the vaccine as their salvation, as they were first in line to receive the shot.
These obsessed individuals won't do anything in life without getting direction from the CDC or local health authority. In short, their life revolves around the Corona Virus hence the term Covid Worshiper.
1. The cashier was such a Covid Worshiper she was getting upset because the customers nose was not covered.
2. Mark was such a Covid Worshiper he always ran in the opposite direction of unmasked people.
3. Trader Joe's was known to be run by Covid Worshipers as they forced their customers to wait outside, masked up and spaced out more than six feet. They also get very upset, kicking out customers for not covering their noses.
Someone who is into poop Fetishes or has a kink for poops of all kinds. They may worship or find poop sexually arousing
He is the only person I know that loves worshiping chocolate. He told me the other day to shit in his mouth for $80 and I said I'd poop in a bag and sent mail instead. He complied
A form of paganism that is a revival of the worship of all the gods of the ancient Greeks.
According to the people who are into this form of worship just because people no longer worship a god that does not mean he or she does not exist.
The style of worship is the same as that carried out by the ancient Greeks.
He's into Greek pantheon worship.
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