An amazing man who makes very entertaining content but still gets unnecessary hate.
Absorber is just a funny yet very underrated guy.
hey do you watch absorber yt or on Twitch or Tik tok.
-No i don't
You should he makes good content but its okay if you aren't interested i his videos
aka the best you tuber out there rn ok not the best but i like him
javani: hey did you watch that new polar yt video
blake: not yet i will now
Mr_Zippa YT is the most epic YouTuber, Gamer and Musical Artist. He plays and makes videos on games such as Minecraft, Fortnite, Valorant, Subnautica, Forza, etc. He has many amazing and award winning songs such as "Hood Memories" and "Glocks on Their Ops". His side chicks Dalahoo and Desenq are also decent YouTuber Gamers. You should definitely go Subscribe to him and listen to some of his songs and watch some of his videos!
"Yo did you hear the new Mr_Zippa YT song?
"Yooo the one on his Hood Memories album?"
"Ya bro that song was so fire!"
"Fr bro the beat had me edging!"
Natsuki is a YouTuber with more than 20,000 subs. Most people think that he is a normal innocent YouTuber. He is not innocent, but we will not get into that. Anyways he makes cute drawings but most of them actually have a dark meaning. He does skits with his friends.
someone: i love《ナツキ_ntk YT 🇮🇩》 he is such an amazing artist
someone 2: oh cool :D
a YouTube channel that has 35 subscribers on this day of publication. this channel features mainly gaming content.
Jack Perkins YT