a person or persons known collectively as(whelk racers)who display signs of extreme stupidity. the term can also be used as a put down to call someone slow or boring.
noobs. noobs can often be referred to as whelk racers.
Someone that suntans ones genitalia
Shari likes to moot racer all the time
racer 37 that takes it to the limit... to the razors edge
racer 37 that takes it to the limit... to the razors edge
These Lakots will be on Glenoaks street at Glendale at night with the the BM their daddy bought them and won't let the armo tatiks sleep
Aye Dav's dad just bought him a new BM watch him turn into one of those Glenoaks racers.
This is simple. You chug a greyhound. It’s vodka and grapefruit juice. You have to use two straws and and Grey Goose vodka. It fucks you up.
Yo Sammy! This bartender made me do 4 Greyhound Racers last night! That shit hits you fast. I totally blacked out and fell asleep mid blowjob because of that asshole. It was awesome!
to pull a Speed Racer is to miss a checkpoint on every lap of the race
I was way behind him at the start but he pulled a Speed Racer and I ended up winning
A derogatory nickname for a disabled person in a wheelchair. Usually one in a hurry. Similar to calling someone wheels or hot wheels. Not to be confused with the words 'speed racist'. It is derived from Speed Racer or Mach GoGoGo a Japanese anime franchise about automobile racing.
Whoa. Where do you think you're going speed racer? I don't have my starter pistol. Get back here.
I hooked up with this handy capable chick last night while I gave meals on wheels. But then her speed racer boyfriend came in and tried to show me his Chim Chim and I fuckin' bailed.