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Cerebral Assassin

Simply put into translation, it means, "Brain Killer", or someone who will knock you around, and do damage to your head. This specific title was used by professional wrestler Paul Michael Levesque's gimmick Triple H.

The cerebral assassin makes his way to the ring.

by Spectacle of Dissonance January 15, 2020

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Ass assassinate

To perform anal sex.

Boy A: Hey B, Where's your girlfriend?

Boy B: She's not here today, she's on crutches.

Boy A: What happened?

Boy B: Oh, I ass assassinated her last night.

by Onemanarmy675 November 5, 2011

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[Muff Assassins]

The hardest gang in the Jefferson City,MO area. They be fuckin them bitches so hard that they kill or "assassinate" the muff. This gang ain't nuttin to fuck with if you find yourself in Missouri. The Muff Assassins are a sect of the bloods and participate in various crimes and substance abuse activities.They in particularly enjoy Meth, Beating Women, Mini-Kegs, and Natural Light.

I was in JC and got jumped by the Muff Assassins while trying to buy some meth from them. They then proceeded to throw shit at me and tell me I had "Perty Lips."

by Butters - Muff Assassin November 3, 2008

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Soul assassin

A woman who slowly but steadily dismantles her partner's self-esteem and joy in life through constant nagging and passive aggressiveness.
Soul assassins are immediately obvious to third parties, but conceal their dark intentions from their victim by slowly increasing the level of abuse. The victim builds up a stronger tolerance to abuse until it can eventually not bear the burden anymore. This kills the soul.
The reason for the soul assassin's behavior is the lack of being able to take responsibility for their own failures and needing to blame the fault on somebody else.

A: "I saw Biff on a reunion again. He's just a shadow of his past self."
B: "Yeah, I heard his wife turned out to be a real soul assassin."

by bogglez July 22, 2015

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Monsoon Assassin

When you wake up before your one night stand does, quietly place a fan in front of her face...turn it on full blast while urinating from the reverse side into the blades. She will never know what hit her.

See also Pecos Bill

Woods woke up Erin last night with the full force of the Monsoon Assassin.

by The Silent Duck December 2, 2007

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A perpetrator of a "slap-ass friday" assault.

The slap-assassin's are in police custody.

That guy is a real slap-assassin.

by whocalled the cops December 9, 2013

Assassin Booger

A crusty booger that scratches the inside of your nose when trying to dig it out.

Damn assassin booger made my nose bleed when I tried to get it out of there.

by Miz๐Ÿ January 5, 2019