The dopest Vibe Curator around.
Damn this party is so fire, it’s such a vibe, guessing Avi is behind this.
I love you.
You're the very first person to make me feel this way.
I like talking to you,
those late night calls,
unplanned movie night and everything that we do.
I like- no, i love everything about you.
your eyes, your face, your laugh, your cute smile, your sweet and calming voice, your hands waving hi and you singing and talking without knowing you're not muted.
i'm thankful that i've met you, and that i have you.
i love you.
you're my orange person, avi! ^-^
i love you, my avi.
The most handsome guy in delhi and a popular jock - has many bitches....
Avi Arora is so cool
Ex: A-ARon- Yall Want to come to my grandmas Pool on Sunday.
Mannex -Sure
Luis - I will see if I can
Nat- Sure
SAI - if you would listen you would know that you were
Emmanuel- Lmao
Cody- Yeah nerd
Ari- Men 🙄
Avi moment means When someone is acting dumb or using little Brian power to think out their choices..
This could also mean when someone is a bit smooth brained.
Avi as a person is funny, nice, strong, smart, loyal, very good looking he is a person who you can get along he is a person that can make friends very easy and little annoying but able to get used to he can also be a cold-hearted
most avi browns are probably pretty dumb
occasionally funny but just does stupid things a lot
big disappointment
sometimes ok
decent at csgo
yo avi brown
hey holy sheep
whats up
nothing just chillin on the sticks
Avi syndrome is when you despise how you look in the mirror, but cannot look away.
John: "Ugh. I hate my reflection but I can't stop looking at it."
David: "Avi syndrome."