The lord of the pencil, used as a shank against ones enemies. Baba Gaya's master was Baba Yaga, but Baba Gaya shanked him with his pencil
Someone who never gives a fuck about any fucking thing happening in this fucking world; a very sweet and handsome young man
He's such a Manchu baba
The J. Baba is the main demon from Kaltinec. She stays at her defined places in the main city. She threatens people (especially boys which burp at her) with throwing and breaking her walking stick and ESPECIALLY, shitting in their respective mouths and calling the militia.
The slug- I saw the J. Baba today
Me-Did she see you?
The slug- She wanted me to COME, COME, COME!
another word for indian juice wrld or juicy baby juice baba is the sexciest man alive and if you disagree i will drive to your house and fuck your mom