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bart get out!, i'm piss

A meme taken from an amateur simpsons incest cartoon

The cartoon shows Bart walking in on Lisa going to the bathroom and Lisa saying "Bart get out! I'm piss"

"Good morning, Lisa Congratulations!"

"bart get out!, i'm piss"

by anonisanon August 4, 2008

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barted; v., past-tense

made a stupid mistake; had a brain fart

I barted and blew the test.

by K. Doyle February 19, 2003

2๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

bart simson sad profile picture

a fake sad person that just wants attention

I have a bart simson sad profile picture so I broken.

by not_sh4dow_06 February 17, 2021

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bart de Downie

Bart is not kind and not gorgeous and he has aids

Bart de Downie has aids

by dakjsdka September 5, 2018

bart the vorer

The word used in genloss episode 1 by Charlie slimecicle when ranboo is sent to Christian hell

Charlie"yea that's Bart the vorer he will vore you"
Ranboo"i don't wanna be vored"

by July 7, 2023

The Bart

When youโ€™re so sick, that you lean into the toilet to barf, but the forces are too strong you wind up graffitiing liquid diarrhea onto your underwear in the style of Bart Simpson

I.e. also Fart/Barf mixed together

Bro I was so sick last night, I hit the Bart.

by Pawze August 2, 2023

Bart Simpson

You start by spiking you pubes with hot sauce and the girl licks the hot sauce of while eating the pubes

Hey cal the dragon I just Bart Simpsonโ€™s your own fookin brother

by God wooozer August 18, 2021