A nickname for infantry men during the Korean War.
We lost a dozen good beetle crushers in a daring attempt to take "Old Baldy" yesterday.
The Dick Beetle Aka the sloppy term for Crabs. The little beetles who craw around your genitalia
Hey Mike where did you get those Dick Beetles. You know that cunt Rhonda got them from her damn Dick Beetles.
Slang word for cockroach, an insect known for moving fast, infesting homes, and being a common pest in general.
Did you see that Dick beetle?
What the fuck are you talking about
I call cockroaches “Dick beetle”
Code word for criminals, or reprobates, rogue legal authorities or LEO's and rogue LEONA's, meant to be used to remove the negative stigma and stereotypes associated with the word "criminal."
The beetles are stalking agent black in the city ruled by the triad.
The beetles need our help to stop their interest in the underground economies.