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belfast breakfast

(Irish slang)

the act of wedging a pipe bomb, molotov cocktail, or other homemade incendiary device into the anal cavity of a loyalist.

the Belfast Breakfast originated in the 1920s as an IRA torture and/or revenge method, not as wedging a pipebomb directly into the anal cavity, but rather dousing a loyalist's pants in whiskey and lighting, followed by uproarious drunken brogue laughter. It quickly evolved and spread to other guerrilla groups, and was even mentioned in Eli Roth's short animated series, "the Rotten Fruit."

Banandar: "I'd love to shove a pipe bomb up their arses... give 'em a real belfast breakfast"

by Wild Drunken Bill August 6, 2007

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Cowboy Breakfast

A quick, high-protein, solo, breakfast (or anytime) meal option where you throw your legs up and jack off into your mouth.

I was running low on fuel and had to get moving, so i settled for the Cowboy Breakfast.

by Edgar Christianson February 2, 2017

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Breakfast Orgy

A Breakfast Orgy (also known as a B.O.) is when a party of more than 3 people engage in sexual activities while enjoying a variety of breakfast foods. This may only occur between the hours of 6 and 10:30am. (Specifically during the hours that Chick-fila serves breakfast)

John: Bro, let's invite Susan to our Breakfast Orgy on Wednesday.

Jim: Ok, but tell her not to bring those muffins again. I'm lactose intolerant.

by Bob7145 October 13, 2016

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Breakfast of Champions

Cold pizza and beer left over from the night before. May or may not include a cigarette.

After the party, I had no cash for a real breakfast. I had to eat the Breakfast of Champions and hope it would hold me until I could hit up an ATM.

by AnonPa December 6, 2013

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Breakfast Theater

Watching your very sexy girlfriend/boyfriend undress and dress in the morning as she/he is getting ready to go to work. Or, if you're a Peeping Tom, watching your sexy neighbor dress and undress in the morning.

My girlfriend is so hot. She performed Breakfast Theater for me while I was eating my Cheerios.

I can't go to work without watching Breakfast Theater first. My neighbor has a hot body!

by wandafish April 8, 2010

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Breakfast at Tiffany's

A romantic comedy movie written by Truman Capote and starring Audrey Hepburn. Capote intended for the protagonist to be portrayed by Marilyn Monroe, however Monroe backe out after being told that the role wouldn't be good for her image. The film is known mostly for the elegance and quirkiness of Hepburn's character Holly Golightly. The title is derived from the opening scene where Holly, after attending a party, is window-shopping at a Tiffany's boutique at six in the morning while munching on a danish pastry. The movie depicts the romance of a high-class escort (Holly Golightly) who falls in love with an up-and-coming writer (Paul 'Fred' Varjak - portrayed by George Peppard).

Breakfast at Tiffany's is the ultimate Audrey Hepburn movie.

by artistchick November 12, 2006

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The Breakfast Club

A movie that everyone in high school can relate to.

Quick Summary -
Four types of people: a brain, an athlete, a basketcase, a princess, and a criminal. They all spend saturday detention in the library for 8 hours. At first they seem to have nothing in common and all just want to get it over with..

But throughout the movie, they help each other out in little ways and open up about their lives to each other & they realise they're not that different.
I didn't really understand it when i was younger
But now I lovveeee it :D
Best 80's film xx

Bender: Remember how you said your parents use you to get back at each other?
Wouldn't I be OUTSTANDING in that capacity?

Brian: I'm a fucking idiot because I can't make a lamp?
John Bender: No. You're a genius because you can't make a lamp

Brian: Chicks cannot hold their smoke, dat's what it is.

Allison: When you grow up, your heart dies.
Bender: Who cares?
Allison: .... I care.. <3

John Bender: (reading cover) .. Moe-lay really pumps my nads.
Claire: Moliere :)

Andrew: We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all.

Person: We watched The Breakfast Club in english, you remind me of allison
other person: HA!

by TheQuietOnexx May 17, 2009

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